Learning To Live With The 21st Century’s Anxieties

David Nicoll, Ph.D
21st Century Learning
4 min readOct 14, 2021


4 truths about the challenges that come with living in a transformational century.

Photo by Mitchell Hartley on Unsplash

More than a year ago, I wrote the following two paragraphs as an introduction to an article I was writing:

“The 21st Century is barely two decades old, but already it’s clear that it’s going to be a century unlike any we’ve ever known… Across the world, we’re in the midst of a momentous transformation, an open-ended period during which the world as a whole is slowly making a shift from a modern industrial society to a postmodern information society.

“For most of us, this transformation won’t be quick. Or easy. Instead, it will be a difficult challenge, an experience marked by uncertainty and anxiety. Especially if we surrender to this uncertainty and the anxiety that comes with it. If instead, we decide to step into this transformation, then perhaps we can use the ‘winds of change’ blowing inside of it to take us to places we never knew we wanted to go.”

In 2019, when I wrote these words, I believed them. Then, in the space of a heartbeat, I turned around, and BOOM, we were in a coronavirus pandemic, overtaken by a sudden, out-of-the-blue epidemic that was shaping up to be the worst health crisis this world has ever experienced. And perhaps, the cause and creator of the most radical, most precipitous…



David Nicoll, Ph.D
21st Century Learning

I’m a dad, a reader, writer, and thought partner for individuals looking to improve their lives. My passion is learning and meeting this century’s challenges.