Organisational change and the benefits of, and challenges to, neurodivergent team members

My talk to a community 10 July 2024

Sharon Dale
21st Century Mindset
9 min readJul 11, 2024


Organisational change and the benefits of, and challenges to neurodivergent team members

15–20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent. That means that 15–20 percent of this group, your workplace and parliament should be neurodivergent. I don’t believe that is the case and we will talk about that.

Sharon Dale Coach, 21st Century Mindset Ltd ADHDer and Autistic (mostly) pixlz on socials

I am Sharon Dale, I am a coach, I am an ADHDer and autistic and I am mostly pixlz on socials

Here is an image of my brain

Not really, this is what my brain actually looks like. OK, this talk is an hour long and if you have to listen to me for an hour, if I have to listen to me for an hour, it will be very boring and so I have included some interaction. If you would like to join in scan the QR code with your phone camera and click on the URL.

How do you know about neurodiversity? Bar chart 51.35% Close family member or self, 43.24% friend or co-worker, 2.7% know about it from media etc, 2.7% don’t really know about it.

Excellent so a high proportion of people close to someone or neurodivergent themselves.

Talk Objectives 1/2 — Increase awareness and understanding of neurodiversity and its significance in the workplace. Explore the strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to teams and organizations.
and… Address the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals in traditional work environments and discuss strategies for creating a more supportive and inclusive culture. Inspire and empower audience members to embrace diversity and champion inclusion in their workplaces for the betterment of both individuals and organizations.
Terminology, Neurodiversity, Neurotypical, Neurodivergent
Neurodiversity — as a concept recognises that each person’s brain works in different ways. It ties into the way we think, process, learn and behave.
Neurotypical — is a term used to describe individuals with typical neurological development or functioning.
Neurodivergent — NeuroDivergent people’s differences are cognitive, often invisible, and impact how we interpret the world, process information, and interact with others.
Poll, when do you think any of these terms were used? 70s, 1840s, 1960s, 1800, 1870s, 1880s, 1990s, 1960’s, 1910s, 1970s, 1930s, 2010s, 1920s, a1950, 2000s, 2000, 1920s, 1890, 2010, 1980, 1990, 1940s
Graph showing when the terms were first used and relative use. The time axis starts at 1975. in 1977 there are very few uses of Neurotypical, it picks up in the mid to late 90s and goes up exponentially. Neurodiverse starts to rise in around 2006 and Neurodivergent in around 2013. This is according to Google Ngram.

This slide is a graph showing when the terms were first used and relative use. The time axis starts at 1975. in 1977 there are a very few uses of Neurotypical, it picks up in the mid to late 90s and goes up exponentially. Neurodiverse starts to rise in around 2006 and Neurodivergent in around 2013. This is according to Google Ngram.

Meme — A colourful VW Transporter with an orange VW beatle painted on the side of it. “Neurodivergent masking”

In general, neurodivergent people spend a lot of time hiding who we really are. People might not know that they are neurodivergent but are still masking their behaviour even if they don’t realise.

This slide is to give an indication of some of the conditions which come under the term neurodivergent, Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Tourettes and tic disorders, Intellectual disability, Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Developmental language disorder. Conditions may be present from birth or acquired through illness or injury.

This slide is to give an indication of some of the conditions which come under the term neurodivergent. Conditions may be present from birth or acquired through illness or injury.

A few stats — Up to 20% of the UK population are neurodivergent. This equates to 13 million people, including two million people with dyslexia and 700,000 people with autism spectrum condition. Only 1 in 16 autistic adults are in full time employment. Fox & Partners LLP note the rise in employment tribunals citing neurodiversity discrimination, with cases jumping to 93 in 2021 from 70 in 2020.
Organisational change
Meme Cartoon — man on a raised dias “who wants change?” 12 people with their hands up looking up and smiling. 2nd pane, “Who wants to change?” 12 people with their hands down, looking down and looking glum.

I have seen one with a third pane “Who wants to lead change?” Everyone runs away.

Image of Drive (book by Dan Pink) — the surprising truth about what motivates us. Three circles showing Autonomy, purpose and mastery.

In Drive — The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Dan Pink says that we are [all] motivated by autonomy, purpose and mastery. Autonomy and purpose are mostly in the gift of managers. Mastery we can develop ourselves to an extent however with too much change e.g. a change to the preferred programming language or change process, we can lose mastery and so that can make things very uncomfortable for anyone, particularly for ND people.

Poll — What are the skills needed to be successful with organisational change? See below

Poll — Skills which are needed to be successful with organisational change. max alt text on image 500 characters

trust, equanimity, perspective, active listening, engagement, flexibility, adaptability, open minded, emotional intelligence, open, respect, accountability, visionary, willingness, growth mentality, leadership, overcoming objections, following up, optimism, patience, flexible, empathy, inclusion, clarity of vision, motivation, agility, understanding, team work, outward looking, flexibility, senior alignment, inter-personal skills, empowerment, biscuits, listening, pragmatic, a sense of humour, pragmatism, responsible, supportive, organisation

Research commissioned by Neurodiversity in Business (Charity) and conducted by Birkbeck University
Neurotypes reported, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Mental Health Conditions, Tic Conditions (incl. Tourette Syndrome), Other, Prefer not to say
1/2 According to the research commissioned by Neurodiversity in Business and undertaken by Birbeck university strengths reported by neurodivergent people were Hyperfocus, Creativity, Innovative thinking, Detail processing, Authenticity, Visual reasoning, Long term memory,
2/2 Entrepreneurialism, Verbal comprehension, Cognitive control, visual spacial skills, Numeracy and short-term memory.
Meme Cartoon — A bookshelf with a long queue along a path towards it and past it to the left and to the right and behind. Above it a sign which says answers and an arrow “simple and wrong” pointing left and over a cliff and “complex but right” pointing to the right and behind. A huge crsh of people are going left and over the cliff and only five people have taken the complex but right path.

Some of the skills reported correlate to innovation and creativity which are really important when we are responding to VUCA* challenges (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous). As my colleague Anne says, “If you know where A is and you know where B is and you know how to get between them you don’t need us but if you do not, you need a neuro cognitively diverse group”.

Cynefin Framework — a five domain model with confused in the centre and from the bottom left going anticlockwise, clear, complicated, complex and chaos. Below clear and complicated it says ordered and below complex and chaotic it says unordered. There are more words in the image, I will explain in the next paragraph.

One of the ways I have found to explain the difference types of challenges is Cynefin.

Cynefin is a sense-making model created by Dave Snowden. It is made up of five domains with confusion in the centre for things for which we have not yet determined the correct domain.

Identical to previous slide except in clear there is a green sticky note with an icon of a man, a washing machine and some detergent and in confused here is a small pile of sticky notes

From the bottom left we have clear for things where cause and effect are obvious, anyone can do it, it either works or it doesn’t and best practices apply. We sense, categorise and respond. An example might be that I want my partner to wash a dress for me so I make a checklist for him of what to do before putting it into the washing machine e.g. empty the pockets, turn it inside out, what detergent to add and how much, what setting to use and what to do when it has finished e.g. put it on a hanger on the shower rail. He *should* be able to follow those instructions.

Identical to previous slide except in complicated there is a yellow sticky note with an icon of a man, with a car on a jack and holding a spanner and in confused here is a small pile of sticky notes

In the complicated domain the cause and effect are knowable and predictable however in the main some expertise is required, Good practice applies. We sense, analyse and respond. An example of complicated might be my car which needs a new catalytic converter. I will need to take it to an expert and pay them to replace it. They will know what parts and tools are needed and how to do it.

Identical to previous slide except in complex there is an orange sticky note with an icon of a woman in a medical white coat with a stethoscope and a + above her.

In the complex domain cause and effect can only be partially seen and retrospectively. In order to deal with something which is complex we need to try things and then do it more if it works and stop if it doesn’t — emergent practice. We probe, sense and respond. An example of complex is anything we have no experience of or anything in which the results are not stable e.g. writing software to perform an activity we don’t understand, for people who may or may not want to use it and our future financial performance as a business depends upon this work.

Identical to previous slide except in Chaotic there is a red sticky note with an icon of a house on fire.

Cause and effect in the chaotic domain is so unpredictable as to appear random. Novel practices apply (anything could make it better). We act, sense and respond. Trained crews might help us e.g. Firefighters or paramedics. Examples of things in the chaotic domain are fires, accidents, flood and the like.

Identical to previous slide

Each domain has relationships with the others and we can move between them e.g. If we do something which is complex we might learn enough about it to become expert and in the future it is merely complicated. If something is chaotic, once it has been brought under control it might then be complicated such as a fire, once out will then turn into a demolition, rebuild or clean up operation.

Cynefin is well worth your time to learn more about it you are involved in change.

What should we make note of at this point? links between conditions, differences, non-patronisation, one size doesn’t fit all, Cynefin, Cynefin framework, everyone is an individual, ways people process

Poll of what the participants wanted to note at this point

Challenges reported by ND people 1/2 looking after yourself mentally, concentration, asking for help when you need it, looking after yourself physically, managing boundaries at work, working memory, understanding other’s intentions, long term memory
2/2 organising tasks, fine motor control, working with others, inding your way around, numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, working on your own, none of the above
Do you think that your office environment is set up in a way which would make it suitable for neurodivergent people to work well? Donut chart 70.4% No, 11.1% Yes and 17.5% Don’t know.
How can we make the environment better for neurodivergent colleagues?Full list in text as alt text is only 500 characters.

How can we make the environment better for neurodivergent colleagues? Max alt text 500 characters in image.

Quieter, Allow them to work from home, private break out space, offer noise cancelling headphones, More acceptance/facilitation of working from home, dedicated workspace, A better variety of spaces, interact with them to understand issues, It’s all about individual needs. Maybe have a quiet room they can go to when needed, Smaller quieter places to work, noise controlled areas, We have quiet desks, home working, pods to make call 1:1, closed individual spaces, more comfortable! Be more accepting of the fact not everyone has an official diagnosis, quiet environments when needed, body doubling, reduce distractions, NOISE (less of it), more flexible about wfh — 3 days in office is hard when it’s just a rule not about your diary of tasks or preference, flexible space to allow for quiet, collaborative space, calm space, flexibility around working hours, greenery

The Buckland Review of Autism Employment Report and recommendations

In February I attended the launch of a review of autism employment by Sir Robert Buckland KC.

Forward by Sir Robert Buckland “At the moment only 3 in 10 autistic people of working age are in employment. This means that 7 in 10 of them are unable to access the independence and fulfilment that employment can bring. It also means that employers, and the wider economy, are missing out on the skills and energy that autistic people could be contributing, to the detriment of us all.”
The five themes used to explore the issues 1/5 What initiatives can help to raise awareness, reduce stigma and capitalise on the productivity of [neurodivergent] employees?

In each case the original question was about autistic people and I have replaced autistic with [neurodivergent]. We discussed training, events and media.

2/5 What more could be done to prepare [neurodivergent] people effectively for beginning or returning to a career?

At Neurodiversity in Business there was an organisation who support ND individuals to work in a number of areas in a business which they partner with along with lessons each day with a college which they partner with in order to identify suitable career paths.

3/5 How can recruitment practices be adjusted to meet the needs of [neurodivergent] applicants?

We talked about questions being provided before an interview (Post to follow)

4/5 How can employers support [neurodivergent] people already in their workforce?

Psychological safety, staff neurodivergent networks and visible senior support

5/5 How can [neurodivergent] staff be encouraged and supported to develop and progress in their career?
What is your main takeaway (s) from the talk? support is here, so many different types, no one size fits all, understand how to support, no alone, equality, be more aware, seriousness, we matter, be mindful, not enough support, everyone is different, recognition of needs, understanding differences, the gov employment report, there is work to be done

Poll — What is your main takeaway(s) from the talk ?

Thank you, let’s look at the questions
How do I invite you to [redacted] to deliver this? How is the Cynefin Framework useful in these sorts of conversations? Perhaps I missed a point there :) I’m a charity trustee and we want to implement questions ahead of interview but some of our managers aren’t convinced. How can we get their buy-in? Any tips are appreciated.
  1. Please get in touch via the organisers.
  2. Some of the skills which ND people commonly have are useful in a complex environment. We need everyone to understand when a checklist or expertise along will not resolve a challenge.
  3. I will write a blog post pulling together information and share it ASAP.
Links to documents Neurodiversity at Work 2023 Demand, Supply and a Gap Analysis The Buckland Review of Autism Employment

Links to the two documents referred to

Please comment if there is anything else you would like or if you would also be interested in me delivering a version of this talk for your team or community.



Sharon Dale
21st Century Mindset

I help women navigating constant brain fog to thrive without adding to their overwhelm, by providing accountability & support.