22 Ways to Find Instant Motivation

Sekajipo Taplah
22 Answers
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2021

Internal methods:

1. Knowing & Using your Why

“He who has a why for life can put with any how” — Frederick Nietzsche

This Pillar is the most important pillar on the list and needs the most attention on a consistent basis. Having a solid and visual understanding of your “why” will help you overcome any obstacle and achieve whatever your goals may be.

I have a “why” now what?

After discovering what your “why” is , get to the core of your “why”. Ask yourself why 3–4 times.

Example A:

Q:Why do you want to finish this project?

A: To get a promotion

Q: Why do you want a promotion ?

A: To make more money & take care of my loved ones

Q: Why do you want to make more money?

A: To Take care of my nephew’s medical expenses.

Person A now knows and can visualize their real why. With this why at the forefront, a newfound level of motivation will make the work easier. Constantly restate your “why” while working to see improved results.

2. Self Best Friend Pep Talk

Everyone loves to give their best friend the best advice possible , yet when it comes to guiding ourselves there’s a behavior gap. By becoming your own best friend, you’ll coach yourself into making the right decision to get started on that project.

3. 10 Large Breaths + Vision of completion

Another method to becoming instantly motivated is to close your eyes and take 10 large breaths. While you’re practicing this breathing exercise, envision yourself working through this task till its completed.

External Methods

4. Dangling Carrot

Book a mini vacation the evening or weekend after your project is due. This vacation does not have to be extravagant or to another country. Something simple like an aquarium visit, ice skating trip or a chocolate factory trip can get the job done.

5. Coffee shots

These can wake you up in an instant and provide a layer of added motivation/energy.

6. High Price to Pay for the Alternative

What is the cost of outsourcing this project or hiring a contractor? Is it egregiously out of budget or impossible to give the work to someone else? If Yes, get to work.

7. Zoom work session

Setup a virtual work session with some of your coworkers , classmates or friends. Have everyone work in silence for 40 minutes.

8. 528Hz Music

This frequency brings positive transformation to the mind and body. Try here

9. Group Accountability Check Ins

Set Up a weekly accountability check-in with someone on a similar path as you. Have the losing party for that week buy gifts.

10. Encouragement from a young person that looks up to you

Have a child or younger relative that looks up to you? What about a mentee or subordinate? Don’t want them to be disappointed? — Take action!

Bonus motivation: When this young person sends you a message of encouragement or belief that you’ll achieve your goals.

11. Doubt from a person that looks down you

This one’s self explanatory. There’s some people that want to see you fall or not accomplish the dream you’re destined to achieve. Will you let them win or will you prove them wrong and overcome your obstacles?

12. Energy Drink + Empty Space

Remove every non essential object from your work environment and crack open your favorite energy drink.

13. Read/Watch content to enter the Golden Zone

Zone 1 — Golden Zone & Passion:

The best place to be in on this diagram is zone 1 or the passion category. Those here will have an easier time producing their best work and accomplishing the tasks at hand.

14. Read/Watch content to enter the Red Zone

Zone 2 — Red

The next best place to be in on this diagram is zone 2. When used effectively, the emotional states of this zone allow for peak performance and motivation. However, constant use of this zone is not positively conducive to one’s mental health and physical wellbeing.

15. Prayer

For those who are more spiritually inclined, prayer and divine intervention can give a much added boost to motivation and productivity. Sincerely ask and you’ll receive.

16. 5 , 25 timer

Set a timer for 5 minutes for your desired task, then set another timer for 25 minutes after those 5 minutes are up.


17. Read Customer Reviews

Whether negative or positive , one of these reviews will light a fume for you to keep going.

18. Momentum routine

It’s easy to get started on a task once the barriers to its beginning are gone. For example, if you’re someone who wants to go to the gym more in the mornings, go to bed the night before in your gym clothes and leave your gym shoes + car keys right by the side of the bed. With this method, when you wakeup there’s no “getting ready” barriers.

19. 1st Task Post Wakeup

After a great rest, there’s a surge of untapped energy. Use it to get started on your most important task of the day.

20. Vacation Boost

If you’re on vacation and tired of the peaceful life, bring your laptop and use the added energy to work while you’re back at the hotel or on the beach.

Extreme methods:

21. Public commitment

Make a public statement on your linkedin feed, twitter feed, or facebook feed that you’ll commit to getting a certain task done within a certain time frame. If you would like a less daunting commitment , put it on your stories or within groups that you’re a part of. This public commitment may be the added energy you need to light the fuel under the fire.

22. No security blanket

This method is the most drastic on the list but can do wonders. Ask a trusted friend or loved one to remove a security blanket if you do not finish your task within a certain time frame. This security blanket can be anything from losing your phone for a certain amount of time to getting kicked out from your household. Be careful with this one!

I hope these tips help, don’t spend another 10 minutes reading articles or watching more videos. Get started! For whoever is reading this we believe in you !



Sekajipo Taplah
22 Answers

Political Economy @ Princeton I Product & Tech Enthusiast 🗺Writer & Editor for 22 Answers Podcast 🎙