The U.S. Dollar, Dogecoin, or Social Proof?

One of these is the most valuable currency for navigating life in the age of social media

Manny Apea
22 Answers
5 min readMay 20, 2021


Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

If you are in your 20s during 2021, you are living in a different world than the one in which your parents grew up. While there are some similarities in the way we behave, the way we communicate and interact with each other is vastly different.

Currently, more college degrees than ever are being earned entirely online while wearing sweatpants and slippers in the kitchen, there are crypto currencies rooted in internet memes that are propelling people to obscene riches, and most notably, social media runs our lives.

The list could go on, but social media is critical in 2021 and beyond. I mean, we were in forced isolation for nearly a year, so it only makes sense that our internet and social media utilization has skyrocketed over the past year.

In-person focus groups, communities, and collaborative office water cooler talks have transitioned to nearly 100% online. Think about how many subreddits, Facebook groups, and Instagram pages you follow. Your tribes are all online.

Whether you like it or not, we are living in the social media age. If you want to be in the know, stay up to date with the world around you, or connect with people you would otherwise never have the opportunity to meet in person, it is imperative to be an active social media participant.

The U.S. dollar might be inflated, cryptocurrency is highly volatile, but one thing remains true, and that is the fact that social proof has been the most valuable human currency since the beginning of time.

What is social proof?

According to Arizona State University professor Robert Cialdini, social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon in which people mimic the actions of others in a given situation because of an inherent need to conform.

When we find ourselves lacking direction, we lack action, so, the first place we might look would be the experts, celebrities, or successful friends and copy what they are doing because we assume that they know more and have a better grip on life.

How exactly does this apply in the age of social media? Well, as humans, we are subconsciously judging people 24/7. We believe that anything that an athlete uses must be top-of-the-line because they have been exposed to and obtained knowledge from the best doctors and trainers.

Think about your most recent Amazon purchase. Did you click “Buy it Now” or did you do a little research before spending your hard-earned money?

We trust product reviews from YouTubers with a large following because everyone believes in their expertise and we the hundreds of thousands of views they earned from gaining the trust of their viewers.

Back in the day before the internet was what we know now, being internet famous was just as cool as being a millionaire in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. But today, internet fame comes with fruitful, tangible rewards that come in the form of brand deals that ultimately lead to TV deals and acting opportunities.

In sum, people will support what you’re doing when you look like you know what you’re doing and see that other people believe that you know what you’re doing. If people see your large following, they’ll be curious to hop on your hype train too.

Humans are visual creatures, and we crave what looks good

In 2021, the concept of social proof has seeped into dating. For the fellas reading, have you ever been out at a social gathering and someone in your friend group is either hyping you up or hyping up another friend’s abilities to the ladies in order to promote you and garner interest?

Perhaps you or the friend being hyped is a good car detailer, guitarist, or fitness guru. Possibly a combination of all three. “Hey! Sam plays guitar!” “Yeah, he’s shredded and shreds!” your friends shout across the room as you mingle amongst the crowd.

In 2021, the first instinct of the people with whom you’re interacting in that scenario would be to whip out their smartphone and verify the credibility of your friends’ statements.

If they see that you have a large following or are gaining momentum on any social media platform, they are more likely to give you a follow and share your services or lifestyle with others.

If they see that you don’t have much traction across your platforms, they will quickly lose interest. It’s a harsh game, but at the end of the day, that’s how the game goes.

The better you look on social media, the more options you will have when it comes to dating so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make friends with a photographer or familiarize yourself with the self-timer photo options on your smartphones.

Our parents did not have thousands of options to scroll through every day which may have been a good thing. People will follow you when it becomes popular to follow you.

I didn’t make the rules, it’s just human nature.

Besides gold, the U.S. dollar or Dogecoin, social proof is the currency that fuels social interaction and will continue to do so in the age of social media.

Is it too late to start?

It’s only impossible if you don’t try. In 2021, everyone and their mother has a smartphone or is present on social media. There is someone out there who believes in the value that you provide to the world.

Don’t fall into the trap of believing that your niche is “saturated”. Your art or music could really resonate with someone across the globe, but you don’t think it will gain traction because you don’t believe in it yourself and you think there is much more out there that is exactly like yours.

While it may sound cliché, no one is better at being you than you. You have your own thoughts, personality, and way you create content that could possibly create an entirely new niche on its own.

For some reason, the human mind subconsciously thinks of all the things that could go wrong in pursuit of our wildest endeavors. You don’t think you’ll have the time or energy to succeed. People have succeeded in the same exact things that you are hoping to do so what is stopping you from becoming like them?

Start thinking of all the things that could go right.

Rid yourself of the idea that you are too old or too cool for social media. We all use it every day. The way you present yourself on those platforms is how the world will view you. In some form, you will be adding value to someone’s life through the influence of your art, thoughts, writing, music, or voice.

There are people of literally all ages that are wildly succeeding on social media.

The only direction is up if you’re just starting out. If you think it’s too late to start social media, think again.



Manny Apea
22 Answers

African Made 🇬🇭 American Raised 🇺🇸 Writer for 22 Answers Podcast 🎙 Former Writer @Content Refined Mind of Manny Podcast is on all streaming platforms 🎙