Do you accept the default?

Gary Walker
22 North
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2016

Predict your job performance and your commitment just by knowing what web browser you use. Now, some of you are not going to like the results of this study

But there is good evidence that Firefox and Chrome users significantly outperform Internet Explorer and Safari users. Yes.

They also stay in their jobs 15 percent longer. Why? It’s not a technical advantage. The four browser groups on average have similar typing speed and they also have similar levels of computer knowledge. It’s about how you got the browser. Because if you use Internet Explorer or Safari, those came preinstalled on your computer, and you accepted the default option that was handed to you. If you wanted Firefox or Chrome, you had to doubt the default and ask, is there a different option out there, and then be a little resourceful and download a new browser. So people hear about this study and they’re like, “Great, if I want to get better at my job, I just need to upgrade my browser?”

No, it’s about being the kind of person who takes the initiative to doubt the default and look for a better option. And if you do that well, you will open yourself up to the opposite of déjà vu. There’s a name for it. It’s called vuja de.

Vuja de is when you look at something you’ve seen many times before and all of a sudden see it with fresh eyes. It’s a screenwriter who looks at a movie script that can’t get the green light for more than half a century. In every past version, the main character has been an evil queen. But Jennifer Lee questioned whether that makes sense. She rewrote the first act, reinvents the villain as a tortured hero and a script called Frozen went on to become the most successful animated movie ever. So there’s a simple message from this story. When you feel doubt, don’t ‘let it go’.

Source based upon ‘Originals’ from Adam Grant.



Gary Walker
22 North

Future of Work Architect | 22 North & Ready for Remote | Co-Author of Ready for Remote book