221B.4—The Case of the Brand (New)

Perhaps a few of you may have noticed the name of this publication: 221Baker. Wait, Jason, isn’t that your vintage watch brand? Yep, it sure is. I rebranded…well, I guess it’s more of a brand shift / rename / reshift(?). Here’s why.

Jason VanLue
2 min readJan 18, 2017


My vintage watch business is going to hang around, only I’m going to roll it into some of what I’ve already talked about. It makes more sense for it to live inside of a new brand. But I didn’t want 221Baker to die, I’m way too big of a Sherlock Holmes nerd.

I knew I wanted to document my entrepreneurial journey, and the 221B brand (“B” is for business) seemed to be the right fit. Especially considering some of my future goals for the brand (hint, hint: business education for design professionals…you heard it here first).

So that’s the shift. 221Baker is now about Adventures in Business...my dear Watson.

Thanks for tagging along…

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Jason is an entrepreneur, designer, and writer // he’s starting a new business in 2017 and documenting every step // dad of 3 // affable



Jason VanLue

Building @zaengle • designer • tech entrepreneur • family man