“On My Block”: Netflix’s Best Original Series?

22 West Magazine
22 West Magazine
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

By Jazmine Avila Contributor

Courtesy of IMDb

Netflix has been creating a plethora of original content. From movies to shows, the streaming service wants to be able to compete with mainstream platforms.

My favorite Netflix original show had been “Black Mirror” but that all changed when “On My Block” came out this past March. “On My Block” is everything that I wish would have been on my television screen when I was in middle school and high school.

The show revolves around a group of friends that are about to enter high school; it deals with how they maneuver through the challenges and changes that teenagers face. Although the synopsis for the show sounds like another coming-of-age story, “On My Block” defies the stereotypes that are attached to shows about teenagers.

This show is led by people of color and focuses on the teenage problems that POC face. It’s also set in South Central Los Angeles in a gang-ridden neighborhood, a noticeably different setting than most coming-of-age stories.

The show introduces us to:

  • Monse, an African American girl who is raised by a single father. She is the toughest character on the show but shows her soft side when it comes to anything that has to do with her friends.
  • Cesar, who is Hispanic and comes from a family who is in a gang. After his brother comes out of prison, Cesar’s normal life is disrupted and he is forced to follow in the footsteps of his brother.
  • Ruby, who is also Hispanic, and hands down the best character on the show. He is the brains of the group and is often looked to when a problem needs to be solved. He has a certain charisma and personality that has viewers claiming him as their favorite and rooting for him all throughout the season.
  • Jamal, an African American boy, the nerd of the group. He lies to his dad about playing football and is obsessed with finding the hidden treasure from RollerWorld. RollerWorld is his own storyline and definitely adds the most humor to the show.

The journey that this group of friends go through is unlike any other show about teenagers and through that journey you’ll end up feeling like you are a part of their group. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll cheer for the main characters. This show has a lot of heart and potential to tell so many different stories about POC.

The season ends with a major cliffhanger that leaves you wondering what the fates of all the characters will be. Luckily enough, in April, Netflix announced that there will be a season two.

So after finals are over, do yourself a favor and binge-watch this show because it’s amazing.

