Finding and funding organizations that generate public data

23 years in Mexico
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2021


In 2003, the Hewlett Foundation approved the creation of the Global Development Program (GDP). GDP’s main objective was to create the right conditions for economic growth. With that in mind, the GDP began funding organisations that both guaranteed and promoted access to public information. In Mexico specifically, the program produced technical recommendations to extend the national rights under the access to public information federal law (Ley Federal de Acceso a la Información Pública) to sub-national entities.

Academics, legislators, and CSO leaders were worried about the low number of rigorous, independent research centers and think tanks specialized in generating public policy data. To address this need, the Hewlett Foundation financed organizations such as IMCO, Fundar, CIDAC, Transparencia Mexicana, and Sonora Ciudadana. Each of those institutions is an independent and rigorous research center, most of which focus on generating data on public policy.

Continue the journey

Who is IMCO?

Who is Fundar?

Who is Sonora Ciudadana?



23 years in Mexico

OTT is a global consultancy and platform for change supporting better informed decision making.