Meet The Team: Interns & Trainees

At 2359, we nurture and guide the future of our workforce. Introducing our Interns & Trainees!

2359 Media
9 min readJun 21, 2021


All illustrations in this article are by Amanda and Dongyeon.

Hello from the Intern/Trainee Team!

With a variety of different intern & trainee roles, our team prides itself on its flexibility and eagerness to learn. From software engineering to human resources, no stone is left unturned by us interns & trainees! Through our work, we not only assist in company operations, we also gain invaluable work experience for our own self-learning and improvement.

Get to know more about us!

Cherize, HR Strategy Trainee

Hi, I’m Cherize! 😜

What school & course will you be enrolling in?

SMU, Business Management.

What animal best represents you and why?

Penguin! I’m an ISFJ personality type, so like penguins, I am loyal, protective, and intelligent.

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

Pleasant! I enjoy the flexibility, and I enjoy the calmness of working from home. But I would rather go back to the office for more human interaction!

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

I am able to see how HR expands beyond simply admin work, and that HR actually involves business strategy as well.

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

My goal for the future is to be able to work on the organizational behavior portion of HR, and 2359 has helped me by providing me with the relevant industry experience before I further my studies.

Clarissa, HR Engagement Trainee

Heyo! This is Clarissa!💭

What school & course will you be enrolling in?

SMU, Business Management.

What animal best represents you and why?

Bee. Bees are industrious, social, and cooperative creatures. Being kept busy drives me every day and I strongly believe in putting in the hard work to achieve our goals. I am also someone who enjoys working with people.

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

It has been a fun and exciting experience as there are many opportunities to learn and grow.

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

I learnt many things beyond what was taught in school, and the role of HR in the tech industry.

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

I aspire to be a HR professional in the future with skill sets to do various functions with confidence. Working in 2359 gives me opportunities to expose myself to different functions with many opportunities to grow.

Daphne, Business Development Intern

Hey, I’m Daphne! ✌

What school & course are you from?

2nd year at Yale-NUS College, Urban Studies (Major) & Literature (Minor).

What animal best represents you and why?

Cat. Mostly distant, sometimes attention-seeking, will scratch you if you provoke me but otherwise, I like to live my own life.

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

Honestly, it has been quite tough because I wanted to experience working life to better prepare myself for the future, but of course, working from home may very well be the new normal. Nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed doing market research and even researching topics pertaining to our company’s 4 main industry pillars, because these are things I never really got exposed to (as seen from my academic interests). It has been fun learning about new technology trends and how it affects our lives, and of course, the people here are all really friendly and helpful which makes me more comfortable asking questions.

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

I’ve learnt more about marketing and the struggles of outreach. At this point in the internship, I really just learnt a lot about the different markets because of the amount of market research I’ve had to do, which has exposed me to industries I never thought I’d be interested in.

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

My goals for the future… I guess it would be to be doing something I love and am passionate about, it’ll be a plus if it is something that helps me contribute back to the community in some ways. Working here has helped me be more confident in myself, and be more daring when it comes to trying something new. I came in quite intimidated because I was never exposed to business or the tech world so I did not know how I could contribute, but 2359 gave me a lot of space to learn and grow by myself. This experience has definitely taught me not to discount myself, and of course invaluable insights about business and the tech industry.

Gabriel, Business Development Intern

Hello there! Gabriel here! 😎

What school & course are you from?

1st year at NTU, Business.

What animal best represents you and why?

Sloth because I like to chill out & relax! (Not because I’m lazy!) Also, sloths are cute & innocent-looking but can be aggressive too.

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

Working in 2359 has been fun! This is my 1st time working in a company of 2359’s size and I’m grateful for the extremely helpful & friendly people here at 2359 who make work more enjoyable!

It is a shame that we are solely working from home due to Phase 2 HA though, I would have liked to go to the office more & get to interact with my colleagues in person.

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

I have learnt more about technology’s place in various industries such as BFSI, healthcare & retail. Through performing market research, I have come to fully realize the potential of technologies such as voice/audio products & AI and how they will mold our future & everyday lives. I have also learnt more about marketing & the tools that we have at our disposal to attract customers such as chatbots & voicebots.

Also, I have gained more technical knowledge regarding the inner workings of mobile apps, website & chatbot development which I find very useful and interesting!

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

My goal for the future is to work in the banking & finance industry and working in 2359 has exposed me to the technological aspect of the industry, which is becoming increasingly prominent. With the industry’s push towards digitalization (partly due to COVID-19) & the rise of digital finance and trends such as cryptocurrency & digital banks, it is vital for me to gain a greater understanding of these trends as it is the future of the industry & will be part of my future working environment.

Ajeya, Android Development Intern

Hello, this is Ajeya! 👍

What school & course are you from?

3rd year at NUS, Mechanical Engineering & USP.

What animal best represents you and why?

Panda. I like their generally laid-back, grounded, and balanced approach to life. I read somewhere they represent a sense of tranquility and determination, which I think fits my personality quite well!

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

It’s been great! COVID-19 has obviously limited the opportunities for me to interact with others, especially under the current limitations, but I’ve still really enjoyed the time that I did spend with everybody at the office, whether it was during working hours, grabbing lunch or coffee together, or having game nights after work! I also have quite enjoyed the development work that I’ve been doing over the last six months, learning new things and putting this knowledge into practice in our projects.

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

I have picked up many technical skills, such as a new programming language (Kotlin) and knowledge of new programming paradigms and frameworks that I can take away with me after my time at 2359 ends. But more importantly, I have learnt about how the different functions at 2359 work in unison to help deliver on our promises to our clients. Observing and working with people from different backgrounds and with different skill sets has allowed me to learn far beyond the scope of my role.

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

My key goals for the future, as I near the transition from life as a student to life as a working professional, are to keep learning and growing as an individual, and to seek all the opportunities I can to make a positive impact on the world.

Working at 2359 has shown me one potential way to do so- by helping companies digitalize, we can help shape their future and put them on the path to success. So I think over the past few months, I have found what I believe is the right career path for me and I’m quite keen to explore how I can use my skills as a developer/engineer to strive towards bettering the world around me!

Hui Zhen, Talent Operations Intern

Hey, I’m Hui Zhen! 😊

What school & course are you from?

1st year at NTU, Business.

What animal best represents you and why?

I would say Peahen because the animal represents honor and integrity, which I believe I demonstrate in school and the workplace. Also, I always take pride in my work.

How has working in 2359 been, overall & under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)?

Working in 2359 has been fulfilling and enjoyable as my colleagues are great to work with and they are also willing to share their knowledge and experience with me. At the same time, working in 2359 has been challenging because, with no HR experience at all, the tasks I am doing are new to me. Also, it is the first time that I am working remotely. But I really appreciate that my colleagues are supporting me and addressing my concerns promptly.

What have you learnt during your time at 2359?

At 2359, I have learnt to communicate better and more effectively as I have to speak to my colleagues and candidates often. Also, it gives me exposure to the field of HR. Being in HR isn’t as easy as I thought and I am glad that I chose to join 2359 as my first internship at University.

What are your goals for the future? How has working in 2359 helped you move towards your goals?

My goal currently is that while I am still in University, I would like to try out different careers that I am interested in and gain more exposure. Getting in 2359 as a talent operations intern with no experience, it is the first step in achieving my goal.

2359 Media is Asia’s leading digital consultancy and the preferred choice for cross-platform engagement strategies. Throughout the 12 years since its inception, it has been an adventure best described as a coherent and chaotic innovation. One that would not be possible without the ingenuity of our people.

The hierarchy is very flat and our time during work is focused on delivering great work to our clients. Be it as interns, management trainees, part-timers, or full-timers, we provide the opportunity for our people to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit, initiative, teamwork, and creativity. It’s rewarding to work where everyone is empowered to make a difference.

Explore our available positions here!



2359 Media

Award-winning full-service consultancy that operates at the intersection of Design, Technology, Innovation, and Business