Meet the Team: Project Managers Part 1

The lead role of successful projects

2359 Media
6 min readAug 16, 2021


Illustrations by Amanda

The success of any project is highly influenced by the project team tasked with delivering it. An effective project manager needs more than just technical know-how. This role requires a strategic business mindset, team building, and conflict resolution capabilities amongst other key skills.

Our amazing team of project managers at 2359 is full of grit and never stops thinking out of the box to deliver the best values to our clients. Let us all give a warm welcome to our project managers!

There will be 2 parts to this series of Meet the PMs, (part 2 coming soon!) so let us kick off the first part with the VP of Projects, Elroy!

Elroy Chew, Vice-President of Projects

Hello, Elroy here!

What is the most interesting or impactful project that you have worked on and why?

I got the opportunity to work with the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre where we developed a polished mobile app for the public to donate to other non-profit organisations. Because it was for such a worthy cause, that was definitely an impactful project that I am happy to have gotten to work on.

What are your personal or professional goals for the future?

My personal goal is to complete the course and be certified as a “AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner” on Udemy. While my vision for the project management team is to consistently deliver quality digital solutions to our clients by tailoring the right group of expertise we need to achieve the objectives that each project entails. The role I am in ensures that my team is performing to their best capabilities. Although looking at the bigger picture is crucial, so is the ability to keep track of minor details and making sure nothing falls through the cracks. As a project manager myself, I hope to continue fostering professional relationships and maintaining them with our clients.

Greatest achievement while working in 2359?

Leading this team may be a daunting responsibility, but this team makes it easy for me because of how like-minded we are. Therefore, being able to multitask and juggle multiple projects, as well as working with colleagues who are so compatible with me are definitely the greatest achievements here at 2359.

Amanda Tan, Project Manager

Heya, I’m Amanda!

What is the most interesting or impactful project that you have worked on and why?

I would say the most interesting project I’ve worked on so far would be the events management platform for an ongoing exhibition. We all know that learning to live with the pandemic is no easy feat, but holding a large-scale event in the midst of one? Whole other ball game 🌚 I am glad to have had that challenge and experience!

What are your personal or professional goals for the future?

I would love to learn more languages, and also have further growth in the technological space ✨

Greatest achievement while working in 2359?

My greatest achievements are always the next ones 😬Successfully completing a project is a great achievement in itself, but I always look forward to the next one and the challenges it brings.

Linh Nguyen, Project Manager

Nice to meet you all, I’m Linh!

What is the most interesting or impactful project that you have worked on and why?

I once worked on a marketing chatbot that was built to manage customer relationships for a large corporation. It was used to continuously engage with both existing and potential customers by targeting users with the right content at the right time. I found this to be a really interesting use-case of a chatbot.

The project was not only very beneficial to our client, it also provided me with a great opportunity to learn many new things. The valuable experiences I got from that project helped me to work more efficiently with other clients afterwards.

What are your personal or professional goals for the future?

My goal is to become a senior project manager! I have plans to learn more about project management, user experience, and technology. I plan to get more certifications in these areas as well.

Greatest achievement while working in 2359?

I really appreciate the opportunities I get to work with nice management and colleagues who are always so willing to teach and support me. Being able to explore and improve myself while working is definitely a huge achievement to me. I have been gaining a lot more experience and knowledge about project management, user experience, and even UX design throughout my time here!

Melvyn Kee, Project Manager

Hey there, it’s Melvyn here!

What is the most interesting or impactful project that you have worked on and why?

Working on the Govtech DWP was a very rewarding learning experience for me. Stress and obstacles are always inevitable in this field, but for that project, I was able to work closely with a team of highly supportive managers, engineers and designers who are excellent at what they do, which constantly pushed me to be a more effective PM. That is why I consider that the most impactful project for me.

What are your personal or professional goals for the future?

My personal goal is to find my ikigai (the Japanese concept of having a purpose or direction in life), and contribute to the betterment of the world through my best and most natural gifts/skill sets.

Greatest achievement while working in 2359?

I consider learning, growing and getting a little better at what I do each day to be a great achievement.

Nicolas Kazoglou, Project Manager

What’s up! I’m Nicolas!

What is the most interesting or impactful project that you have worked on and why?

I would say the SG Cares app project is the most impactful one I have worked on so far. It feels nice to improve the user experience (UX) of an app that you know helps to garner more donations and volunteers for a meaningful cause. We also introduced some new features to enhance user engagement on the app.

What are your personal or professional goals for the future?

Hopefully, without sounding too cliché, I want to continue delivering quality projects that are innovative and impactful. While doing this, it would be great if I can also find time to complete some courses or certifications to improve my technical skills such as the AWS cloud practitioner certification and a web development course on Udemy.

Greatest achievement while working in 2359?

My job is to ensure that projects go smoothly. The client must be satisfied and the project team also needs to be motivated and highly engaged in order to deliver quality work. So, on the first day of the project, if I can feel that the team is very motivated and happy to be working on the work I am giving them, and the client tells me that they are highly satisfied with the software we have delivered on the second day, then those are my greatest achievements. Those moments bring me great joy!

This concludes the first part of Meet the Project Managers, keep an eye out for the second part!

2359 Media is Asia’s leading digital consultancy and the preferred choice for cross-platform engagement strategies. Throughout the 12 years since its inception, it has been an adventure best described as a coherent and chaotic innovation. One that would not be possible without the ingenuity of our people.

The Project Managers at 2359 aim to be the bridge between the operations team and the clients, ensuring your life, as a client, to be made easier. Interested to embark on a project with us? Let’s connect!

Keen on being a part of 2359’s amazing team? Explore our available positions here!



2359 Media

Award-winning full-service consultancy that operates at the intersection of Design, Technology, Innovation, and Business