Tech-ing Your Clinic’s Productivity To The Next Level

2359 Media
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2020
Illustration by Lee Dong Yeon

Here’s the truth — digital transformation in private practices and smaller clinics is not the norm. The thought of digitizing your clinic’s processes might seem scary and even unnecessary — after all, you’ve been getting by just fine without extensive tech, right?

But why settle for “just fine” when you can propel your clinic’s productivity to new heights without the hassle of complicated integration? With 2359 Media’s very own Articulo Voice — a voice bot designed to improve business efficiency through automated communication — you can do exactly that.

Articulo Voice is powered by the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology and has been crafted with the goal of delivering seamless customer service, streamlining your workflow and reducing your operational costs in the process.

Stand out from the competition, for all the right reasons

It is expected that by the end of 2020, 50% of customer enquiries will be voice-technology based. In this digital age, it’s important that your clinic stays ahead of the competition and defies the norm of technological passivity.

Articulo Voice is a conversational agent capable of simulating human speech patterns to communicate with patients. With its wide variety of voices and accents plus the ability to interpret patients’ intent, Articulo Voice is able to have a two-way dialogue, answering enquiries with human-like fluency.

So how exactly can Articulo Voice help you raise your clinic’s productivity?

  • Avoid Repetitive Patient Enquiries

Oftentimes, patients may call to ask the same question another patient called to ask just 5 minutes before, such as your opening hours or the doctor for the day. Let Articulo Voice automate responses to common enquiries so that your clinic staff can focus on tending to in-clinic patients. Should the enquiry be too complex, Articulo Voice also knows to redirect it to the relevant staff member, thereby streamlining enquiries and preventing patients from being held on the line for too long. In this way, you can ensure your clinic staff do not have their hands’ full handling low-value tasks and can instead focus on delivering quality in-person patient care.

  • Secure All Potential Patients With 24/7 Patient Support

One of the biggest advantages of Articulo Voice is the ability to hold multiple individuals on the line — something a physical person stationed at the front desk would not be able to do. Patients can now call in at any time of the day to schedule an appointment without growing frustrated at their calls not being picked up, or having to call in within a stipulated time frame. Articulo Voice will be there to provide all patients with 24/7 round the clock service, making sure your clinic delivers optimal customer service to every patient — old or new.

  • Healthcare, for those who need it the most

In times like this, you would want to minimise inbound patients as much as possible, so that you can cater to patients who might be suffering from something more serious i.e. COVID-19. Articulo Voice allows you to update its knowledge-base on common symptoms such that it can advise patients on the urgency of their visit based on their symptoms. For example, the voice bot can advise patients to monitor their symptoms for a few more days before visiting the clinic should their symptoms be mild or might even urge the patient to come in for a consultation immediately should their symptoms be identified as extremely severe. In this way, you can ensure your clinic’s patient handling efficacy.

You’re probably not alone if you’ve been using the same phone system for a long while. Most clinics have never upgraded from the first phone system they installed when setting up their practice. Even though your dear PBX system has well served all your call forwarding, routing and extension dialling needs over the years, it’s time to embrace digital transformation.

Rest assured that Articulo Voice can be implemented via your business landline or cloud-based phone system with ease. Ready to enhance your patient support?

We’d love to have a chat with you.



2359 Media

Award-winning full-service consultancy that operates at the intersection of Design, Technology, Innovation, and Business