How to sign up to our course

23 Code Street
23 Code Street
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2019
Our new graduates holding their certificates

Applying for one of our courses is simple and easy; below we’ve explained our sign up process in 4 simple steps from applying to attending your first lesson.

But first, who can apply for the course?

We believe that anyone can learn to code if they have the desire to — so we really don’t have an ideal student. Our students complete the course for lots of different reasons — some want to start their own business, have a career change or are just curious. The course is for complete beginners -it doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a line of code or worked in tech before. You’ll be amazed at how much you will learn!

1. Fill in the application form

To start the process, you’ll need to fill in our short application form which shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes- you can find it at the bottom of each course page. In a couple of sentences (or more if you would like) let us know why you’re interested in coding and what you’re hoping to gain from the course.

2. Have a friendly chat with us

After you’ve submitted your application, someone from our team will get in touch and ask you to book a 10-minute call at a time that suits you. We like to call all our applicants to say a friendly hello and to find out a bit more about you, and why you want to learn to code. We’ll also go into more details about the course, payment plans and you’ll also be able to ask us any questions. The call will be relaxed and friendly — there’s no need to prepare for it.

3. Offering a place and paying for the course

If we think you’re the right fit for the course, we’ll send you an email offering you a place shortly after the call. The email will also include payment details and a couple of short forms to fill in. We offer the majority of our applicants a place; the few times we don’t is normally when someone already has a lot of coding experience and should be doing a more advanced course.

Once you’ve paid for the course, we’ll send you a welcome pack which has some more details about the course plus a few links to get you excited about coding!

4. Attending your first lesson!

For your first lesson, we provide dinner for everyone so you can get to know your new coursemates and meet the 23CS team over some food and drinks (non-alcoholic). We’ll also walk you through how to download the software you’ll need for the course — so you can start coding next lesson!

If you’ve got any questions about our sign up process, just send an email to and we can help. You can view all of our upcoming courses by clicking here.



23 Code Street
23 Code Street

A Coding School for Women. For every paying student, we teach a disadvantaged woman in India how to code.