Join our Webinar Series

Serena Chana
23 Code Street
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2018

Read about our new webinar series happening throughout November.

Our goal is to create a tech industry that has more women at the table as managers, CEOs, developers, freelancers, and more. We want to create a workforce as diverse as our society.

We have now run 10 amazing web development cohorts and through it, conversations have arisen that were outside the spectrum of the course but that were subjects we knew we wanted to cover! Some of these questions get sent to us on Twitter and email too from people too far to come and see us or unable to join our courses for whatever reason.

So, throughout November, we’re running a webinar series hosted by industry experts. Each webinar will be an hour long and have an audience Q&A. All of them address a question which we’ve been asked.

Firstly though, what is a webinar?

A webinar is an online seminar where you’ll be able to watch a session live. You can see them, they can’t see you. You will be able to type questions though.

How do I join a webinar?

You’ll need to register for the webinar you want to join through the links below. After you’ve registered, we’ll send you an email telling you how to join the live webinar — we promise it’s super easy. You can join as many as webinars as you like for free.

Right, time for the good stuff. Here are our upcoming webinars…

Our amazing fam member, Tom.

Webinar 1: How to launch your idea

Date: Monday 12th November

Time: 8pm-9pm

Presented by: Tom Salmon, Founder and CEO of The Bakery, Traffic Digital and partner of 23 Code Street, and Anisah Osman Britton, Founder of 23 Code Street and Director of Backstage Capital London.

Think you have the next groundbreaking idea but are not sure of how to turn it into a business? Or maybe you’ve already got your ‘side hustle’, however, are a bit stuck about how to keep it growing.

The 23CS fam will be breaking down the steps on how to take your idea from paper to real life. They will be talking about the steps involved, the pros and cons, the technical requirements, and more.

Who is it for: Anyone who is interested in learning more about startups, entrepreneurship and is thinking of/ or already working on a business idea.

Register for a place here.

Webinar 2: What is a developer and how do I become one?

Date: Thursday 15th November

Time: 8pm-9pm

Presented by: Funmilayo Adewodu, Software Engineer at Starling Bank and Serena Chana, Marketing Manager at 23 Code Street

Have you read the term ‘developer’, but are not sure what is? Or maybe you have a vague idea, but are a bit confused about what they actually do?

We’re cutting the fluff, talking straight up, with Funmi who is a developer at Starling.

Funmi will be talking about her personal journey into tech and explaining exactly what a developer is, the different routes to becoming one and what’s it’s like working as a developer.

Who is it for: Anyone interested in finding out more about tech, coding or is considering a new career.

Register for a place here.

Webinar 3: Ditch your Doubts & Boost your Confidence

Date: Thursday 22nd November

Time: 8pm-9pm

Presented by: Sonya Barlow, Founder of Like Minded Females & Professional Confidence Coach and Serena Chana.

Confidence plays a huge part in how we feel about ourselves and impacts our working lives. Being confident about yourself and your abilities allows for new and exciting opportunities to enter your life like applying for that job you love or leading that new project at work.

Sonya will be offering advice on how to tackle common confidence issues, she will be discussing how to be resilient whilst working in a male-dominated industry such as tech, plus tips and tricks on how to elevate yourself.

Who is it for: Anyone! Maybe you’re in need of a big confidence boost or just need a little top up- this is for you.

Register for a place here.

Webinar 4: Practical Advice about Getting into Tech

Date: Thursday 29th November

Time: 8pm-9pm

Presented by: Anisah Osman Britton, Founder of 23 Code Street and Director of Backstage Capital London.

To work in tech, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a developer. As the tech industry becomes bigger and bigger, there are lots of roles emerging which require different skill sets.

Anisah will be sharing practical, actionable career guidance to figure out how and where to begin your transition into tech, and walk you through potential career paths to help you decide where you’d like to fit within the industry.

Who is it for: Anyone who is curious about working in the tech industry and wants to find out more.

Register for a place here.

We hope you can join us!

If you have any questions about the webinars, just send an email to

