8 Reasons To Learn With Us

23 Code Street
23 Code Street
Published in
6 min readApr 9, 2017

We often get asked how 23 Code Street differs from coding schools and developer bootcamps. The truth is, we believe that women are fundamental to the development of the technology industry. We believe that to truly create useful, thoughtful, powerful and “for good” innovation, our workforce needs to accurately represent our society. Therefore, we do things a little differently around here.

Below are 8 reasons we may be suited to you:

1. We are women focused

Firstly, we are for women, those who identify as women and non binary. This has allowed for students to feel they can learn in an open, safe environment, without competition or ego.

We hate that it has been shown that something as subtle as changing tone of voice or using different mannerisms with female students can dissuade women from achieving their potential, or dropping out entirely. In co-ed classes, female students are more frequently interrupted when speaking, and instructors make less eye contact with female students. The implication for a woman is that her contributions are less important than those of male students- which is RIDICULOUS!

We have made sure that here at 23 Code Street, we treat everyone equally. We work hard with our instructors to make this the case. We fight existing unconscious bias to make all of our students feel loved and welcome, and to allow everyone to reach their full potential.

2. One for one

Our mission in India has been a reason for many to join us. For every paying student in London, we teach a disadvantaged woman in India. We will give her a head start in the world through digital education and give her a foot in the door through internships and apprenticeships with our partners. We will show her that she has all the power to dictate her life, improve her community and change the world. Read more about our initiative HERE.

Teaching in Dharavi, slum in Mumbai

3. We create a positive and healthy learning environment

That cheeseboard life

We have an informal working environment, and teaching style. We provide healthy (!) snacks to make sure everyone is fuelled for class. Food is a great ice breaker and a way to get people together and talking. It’s especially great if you’re rushing to class after work and need a pick me up! We place a strong importance on culture, peer to peer interaction, and humour- we want this to be fun! On this note, we put on socials for our current students and our alumni. We’ve been crazy golfing, bowling and to the cinema, to name but a few.

Film night!

4. We create all-rounders

Rounders (I mean it’s baseball but…you get the point)

Our web development foundation course is an all rounded, holistic approach to web development. The idea is that you will graduate with an understanding of both front-end (the stuff that you see, for example, when you open up a website or your phone) and back-end (the stuff that you can’t see that makes it all happen).

Front end is what you can see, and the back end, also known as server side, is what makes it function. Kind of like the body- what we see of someone else is their front end, their insides (organs, veins, etc) is the back end.

Not only will you have the skills to build web applications, you will also be able to discuss code confidently, you will problem solve and you will have the ability to go on to learn further languages and delve deeper into the ones you know. We also have masterclasses during the course that are taught by external industry professionals- such as GitHub, design, and prototyping.

5. Developers need soft skills

We place a massive focus on soft skills. We know soft skills are, must be, and always will be, an integral part of what we do here. The world wide web plays an unbelievably huge role in shaping everything- from politics and fashion, to religion and public opinion. We need to understand the role, power and responsibility of developers in this. We must see beyond ourselves, to see beyond the filters of our lives, if we are to create inclusive and accessible tech.

You can read more about our thoughts on this here: Developers Need Soft Skills.

SOFT serve ice cream

6. We work to help you reach YOUR goal

We make sure we help every individual reach their goal — whether that’s to change careers and become a developer, or to start a company, or up skill in their current jobs. We set goals before, during, and after the course with you and build a plan on how to get you there. If you’re quite not sure what you will do with your new superpower or how it can benefit you — talk to us. Our team has experience of the many facets of the tech industry and beyond (and we’re always there to listen).

7. Real world experience

We provide two week internships to all of our students, should they wish to take part. We can make this as flexible as you need- weekends, remote, a day a week, evenings- whatever you need, we will do our utmost to make it happen! We’ll connect you with a great company to give you the chance to utilise your new coding skills.

8. You’re Family

Once you complete the course, it isn’t by far the end. You become part of our family of alumni, teachers, advisors and more. You will have a place to come to, both online and IRL, for continued support, advice, help, conversation, banter, and access to events. For us, our commitment to you is lifelong.

We may be new (ish) and small, but we are fierce, lean, and have incredibly smart teachers who are immersed in the industry as well as amazing advisors from the tech world. We all are passionately driven to create change and to do every single one of our students justice.

We can’t wait to meet you! 😍

Thanks for reading! We really appreciate it! Our next Part Time Web Development course starts on January 17, 2018. It runs on a Monday and Thursday, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. To sign up, visit 23codestreet.com/courses. If you’d like to talk to us instead, drop us an email to hello@23codestreet.com- we love meeting people over a cuppa chai!



23 Code Street
23 Code Street

A Coding School for Women. For every paying student, we teach a disadvantaged woman in India how to code.