National Coding Week: Meet Anisah Osman Britton

23 Code Street
23 Code Street
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2019

Every day for National Coding Week, we’ll be sharing a blog about a technical person. Today, we’re featuring Anisah Osman Britton who is the CEO and founder of 23 Code Street.

What does your job involve?

I get to run 23 Code Street day to day.
I work alongside a marketing team, teachers, corporates and NGOs.
I also write and do talks to spread the message and mission of what we do and what we think needs changing.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I sometimes teach and get to meet our brilliant students who are all on individual journeys. Their stories are fuel to continue. Running a company isn’t easy, by any stretch of the imagination, but having a purpose eases the load.

How did you start coding?

When I was 19, the developer I was working with on my new startup decided to leave. It was my opportunity to learn so I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone else in the future. He had built the site using Dreamweaver, so that’s where I started! I then ended up finding out about text editors and settled with Sublime Text because someone in a coffee shop was using it.
I learnt through books and stuff online. When I then worked for a tech company they were kind enough to put me on courses to advance my skills.

Can you share one practical tip on how to start coding?

Work backwards. Do you have something, in particular, you’d like to build or an area or industry you’re interested in?
If so, find out what skills are required to get you there, and learn that. That’s the real answer to what coding language should you learn first.
For example, do you want to build apps? Yes? OK, do you want to build android or iOS apps? iOS, ok fab. How about learning Swift? The Apple store even does free intro classes.

How can we contact you?

On Instagram @anisah_ob
On Twitter @anisahob
Sometimes, on Medium too.



23 Code Street
23 Code Street

A Coding School for Women. For every paying student, we teach a disadvantaged woman in India how to code.