Flickr: Under Utilized or Not Worth the Effort?

Devon Smith
24 Usable Hours
Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2009

Photo-blogging? Commentary on early design ideas? Photo scavenger hunts? I couldn’t find any theatres using Flickr for any of these purposes. Maybe theatre audiences wouldn’t be interested. Maybe theatre staff don’t see the point (or haven’t found the time). Only 1/3 of LORT theatres have Flickr profiles. But more joined in 2009 than any previous year. Could we soon see the emergance of new uses for Flickr? More here.



Devon Smith
24 Usable Hours

PDX small business owner, statistics nerd, reluctant consultant, avid vagabond, arts & #nptech. Co-founder @measurecreative — strategy for progressive causes.