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24 Usable Hours
Where numbers meet art
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The Tangled Web of Social Media

I’ve had the great opportunity to be working with Theatre Bay Area and Zoetica Media (aka Beth Kanter) on a year long project called Leveraging Social Media that includes mentoring 10 arts organizations while they create a fully fledged and operational social media…

Location Based Social Networks and the Arts

I’ll be teaching a workshop in a few weeks on Location Based Social Networks and the Arts in San Francisco. We’ll be chatting about Google Places, Yelp, Facebook Places, and Foursquare. I know there will be total novices in the crowd who’ve never used…

Let’s Talk Metrics

Social Media is growing up. We have more platforms and more thought leadership than ever before, but already our friends are…

Theatre & Social Media in 2009

A look at where non profit regional theatres stand in the world of social media in 2009. The final research report to accompany my Social Media Strategy Recommendations for Yale Repertory Theatre. The good (hello, Facebook!), the bad (why are we still writing terrible…