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24 Usable Hours
Where numbers meet art
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The VIP Treatment

This guy asks “What would VIP service in Economy Class Look Like?” His premise was interesting:

  • Segment your audience via optional fees, so that people can pay for the services they want
  • But still treat everyone great, no matter what they’ve paid…

On Customer Relationships

Teddy Goff, of Blue State Digital, came to speak to my Social Media Marketing class last week. I’ve got to admit: even after reading his bio, I was a little jealous of Beth Kanter guest speaking at the Stanford GSB Power of Social Technology class. But ten minutes into his lecture…

Social Media Strategy Presentation

I updated the social media strategy presentation for my Artistic Director/Managing Director/senior staff, incorporating more of the research findings, and corrected a few formatting issues. The meeting date’s been set: Jan 25! Of course, the marketing office has…