On Letting Go

C. Duhnne
Excerpts for Now
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2020
Photo by Francesca Zama from Pexels

Moving on is easy.

It’s what you do between waking and sleep
in the hours that stretch
between silence and laughter
surrounded by friends
alone in a room.

Moving on is easy.
It is what happens
whether you’re aware of it or not.
It’s why so many people say
“One day I woke up”

“& I was fine.”

Because moving on is what happens
in the moments that lead
up to ephiphanies.
Moving on is the easiest thing
in the world.

It’s the letting go that’s hard.

It’s the acceptance of pain,
allowing yourself time
giving yourself permission
to grieve.
That’s hard.

So many people try
to speed up the process
with tips & tricks
but the truth is
everyone lets go

at a different place.

Some people let go in days
some people take years
others can take a whole lifetime.
But moving on?

Honey, from the moment things ended,
you began moving on.

