VR series 2: Interium by David Stout and Cory Metcalf

sandris murins
25 composers
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2021

Watch my interview with David Stout on his and Cory Metcalf piece Interium. Interium is both a video installation and an integrated virtual reality experience. The project utilizes real-time animation and generative sound to immerse the viewer-participant in a detailed other worldly expanse populated by morphogenic visual forms. Interium is rendered in a hybrid visual language that seamlessly fuses supple pattern formations inspired by the flora and fauna of the natural world with kinetic sculptural structures reminiscent of man-made artifacts and architectures. On entering Interium we encounter both the visceral presence of alien life and our own innate physically responsive emotive being.

Watch my interview with David Stout, where he explains in details how he and Cort Metcalf used VR technology to create this piece.

The video representation of Interium you will find bellow

David Stout is a visual artist, composer, electronic instrumentalist and performance director. His interdisciplinary approach includes studies across the traditional arts disciplines and an embrace of new and emerging technologies. David’s award-winning works include live cinema, interactive video, electro-acoustic music and performances that integrate immersive projection as an extension of performer, audience and architecture. He currently directs the Hybrid Arts Laboratory and coordinates the Initiative for Advance Research in Technology and the Arts (iARTA) at the University of North Texas, where he teaches Intermedia Performance and holds a joint professorship in Music Composition and Studio Art.

source: davidstout.net

