How to scrape Instagram images and quickly download photos

Andrey E
256cats tech blog
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2015


This post shows how to scrape Instagram images and popular photos using Instagram API and PHP and how to quickly download them in parallel using Redis and Curl.

Prerequisites: PHP 5.5, Redis server (

Installing Php Redis extension

cd phpredis-master
sudo make install

Scraping Instagram

At first you have to register as a developer at Instagram (if you haven't already) here: Then create an application and get you public and secret keys.

Then create a directory for your project and install Instagram API wrapper for PHP via composer:

composer require cosenary/instagram

Then run example (/vendor/cosenary/instagram/example/index.php) and get your accessToken.

Then create scraper.php:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use MetzWeb\Instagram\Instagram;
date_default_timezone_set('UTC');$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
$instagram = new Instagram(array(
'apiKey' => 'YOUR_APP_KEY',
'apiSecret' => 'YOUR_APP_SECRET',
$accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
$search = $instagram->getPopularMedia();
$data = $search->data;
foreach($data as $d) {
if($d->type == 'image') {
$item = array(
'images' => $d->images,
'caption' => $d->caption,
'created_time' => $d->created_time,
'id' => $d->id,
'filename' => $id.'.jpg'
$redis->lPush('photo:queue', serialize($item));

This will get popular photos from Instagram and save them to Redis list (photo:queue) to be downloaded later.

Downloading photos in parallel

Create 'photos' directory and download.php:

$dir = __DIR__.'/photos';
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
function get($url) {
//usual curl get
while(true) {
$item = $redis->brPop('photo:queue', 10); // wait until we get new item from Redis
$retry = 1;
if($item) {
$item = unserialize($item[1]);
$filename = $dir.'/'.$item['filename'];

if(!file_exists($filename)) {
while(!($photo = get($item['images']->standard_resolution->url))) {
echo "retrying download {$retry}\n";

file_put_contents($filename, $photo);
echo "Loaded {$filename}\n";

} else {
echo "no items in Redis\n";

Here function get($url) is usual Curl download function. You can get it from the final Gist.

Then you need to run multiple download workers, let's do it.

nohup php download.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Run this command as many times as many downloaders you need.

If you want to stop downloads, do this:

ps aux | grep download.php

Then kill all processes found.

Get Final Gist with code.



Andrey E
256cats tech blog

I’m frontend developer working for an automotive startup in Berlin, Germany