Some By Products of Running

George Hopkins
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2024

Post Doctor Visit Notes

I had a doctor’s appointment the other day. Prior to our chat, I had blood work, and all was pretty much normal.

I do have to have a colonoscopy performed shortly and as a result, we were talking about various “issues” I have experienced with running

  1. My Bowel Movement Timing is much different

I eat a lot of protein and the least amount of carbohydrates I can; no doubt a reason I was able to lose 60 pounds from 2019–2022. As a result, I have less activity than I used to, and it per my memory it would seem to be pretty random.

Well, recently, I have been pooping less but more often, and usually, I am surprised that the urge comes upon me.

My doc and and I chatted …. andhe did not see anything to worry about. Due to my increased running, he did think there could be a connection

And today … I found this …

2) When I finish running races, I taste blood in the back left side of my mouth. Not for long … but … I do taste it.

I thought it was odd … but now I see … not so odd.

Also you can read, there could be an issue … for me …. it could correspond to a my platelet readings being a bit low ; but, as I have read in the above article … it all makes a little sense.

The summary … running “Shakes Things Up”

Get out there …. the weather is perfect.

For me …

  • Running Central Park this Saturday on my own
  • Running on my own next weekend I believe . I thought about running the Brooklyn 1/2 marathon on the 28th but … that’ a lot of travel. We will see …



George Hopkins

Life long member, teacher, and administrator of Drum Corps (from 1968–2019). Currently semi retired, while creating Act 2, an act that includes Golf and Running