Moon Movements: Moon in Aries and Pūrvabhādra

Michelle R. Dean
27 Moons Project
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2023
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Just like the moon pulls the tides, it also affects the mood of each and every moment. In this series, we delve into the daily movements of the moon, exploring its influence through the lens of traditional Western astrology and Vedic astrology.

As is always the case, how you experience the moon’s energy will vary depending on your natal chart. This post should therefore be read as a guide to the general mood of the day.

Astro Details for July 8, 2023

Times listed in my location in Berlin, Germany (Central European Time Zone). To convert to your time zone, click here.

  • Moon in Pisces
  • Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 7:47 am
  • Moon trine Mercury in Cancer 11:55 am
  • Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 5:21 pm Moon void of course 8:21 pm — 9:19 pm
  • Moon moves into Aries 9:19 pm

Brief lunar transits of the day

The Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus at 7:47 am brings a touch of excitement and spontaneity to the day. This harmonious aspect encourages us to embrace change and explore new possibilities. It brings a sense of innovation and inventiveness, allowing us to break free from routines and experience a breath of fresh air in our emotional landscape. However, it can also be disruptive and abrupt, like a quick change in mood.

The Moon trine Mercury in Cancer at 11:55 am enhances our emotional intelligence and communication skills. This aspect supports open and heartfelt conversations, where emotions flow freely and understanding deepens. It fosters empathetic connections and allows for nurturing and compassionate interactions with others.

The Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 5:21 pm intensifies our sensitivity and heightens our intuition. This aspect brings a deep connection to the spiritual realm and promotes creative inspiration. It encourages us to trust our inner guidance and explore our dreams and fantasies. However, it’s important to remain grounded and discerning, as Neptune’s influence can also create illusions, confusion and a general sense of malaise.

Void of Course Moon

From 8:21 pm to 9:19 pm, the Moon is void of course. This means that the Moon is no longer forming any major aspects with other planets before it transitions into a new sign. During this period, the energy of the Moon is considered to be unfocused and without direction.

The void of course moon signifies a time of rest and reflection. It is a period when it’s best to avoid making important decisions or initiating new projects. Instead, it’s an opportunity to pause, recharge, and tie up loose ends. Use this time for introspection, meditation, and self-care. Allow yourself to flow with the void, knowing that clarity and purpose will return once the Moon moves into a new sign.

Moon in Aries

At 9:19 pm, the Moon moves into Aries. In this fiery sign, the Moon’s energy becomes more dynamic and assertive. Ruled by Mars, the planet of action and passion, the Moon in Aries brings a surge of energy and enthusiasm. It ignites our emotions and fuels our desires, but it can also bring forth impatience, impulsiveness, and a quick temper.

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Today’s Moon in Jyotish

In the realm of Jyotish, the moon finds itself in the Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) Pūrvabhādra and the Tithi K6 on July 8, 2023..

The Nakshatra Pūrvabhādra, also known as “The Former Beautiful Footed,” symbolizes passion, transformation, and non-conformity. It encourages us to embrace our unique individuality and explore our deepest desires. Natallay speaking, this Nakshatra is associated with extreme emotions, a transformational yet indulgent nature and idealism. It brings a powerful influence over others, with the potential to be a charismatic speaker, orator, or demagogue. However, it can also evoke feelings of fear, nervousness, and cynicism. Pūrvabhādra is characterized by eccentricity and may bring a sense of sadness and problems.

  • The ruling deity of Pūrvabhādra is Ajikapāda, a form of Lord Shiva known for his healing abilities and transformative energy.
  • The ruling planet of Pūrvabhādra is Rahu, representing desires, illusions, and intensity.
  • The sounds associated with Pūrvabhādra are “Se,” “So,” “Da,” and “Di.”
  • The tree linked to Pūrvabhādra is the Fig tree, representing stability, protection, and nourishment.

Interpreting Pūrvabhādra and Tithi K6

The combination of Pūrvabhādra and Tithi K6 suggests a time of passionate transformation and a non-conformist attitude. This Nakshatra also has a feeling of austerity to it, as well as a feeling being between two worlds, with only one foot in each.

Pūrvabhādra is what is known as an Ugra (fierce and severe) Nakshatra, which makes is good for any actions that need to be aggressive or harsh. It also good for success in interrupting, destroying, slaughtering and removing. Intense, yes, but this kind of energy can be well harnessed.

For example, a day when Pūrvabhādra Nakshatra is in the heavens would be good for:

  • interrupting negative thoughts or behaviors
  • going to war on those pesky snails in your garden
  • deleting old files and cleaning up your hard drive
  • destroying false ideas you have about yourself
  • breaking bad but necessary news to someone (e.g., firing an employee who needs to go)

At the same time, Tithi K6 brings a sense of fun and excitement, making it a perfect Saturday for parties and enjoyable experiences. So why not combine the two and say, head off with your friends a spend a day of silence volunteering to kill weeds at a Zen monastery? Now that sounds like a weekend to remember!

I’ll be back on July 11, when the moon moves into Taurus and the Nakshatra Bharaṇī. In the meantime, please follow, clap and subscribe.





Michelle R. Dean
27 Moons Project

Professional Vedic astrologer who writes down-to-Earth posts about astrology and other occult subjects.