2GT Coin: The Key to 2gether’s Collaborative Model

Álvaro Bernabéu de Yeste
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2019

2gether is the world’s first collaborative banking platform, where users participate and share in the returns from the business, get rewarded for their contribution, and have a say in the platform’s decisions. It takes the business principles of traditional mutual organizations and cooperatives to the digital space, leveraging blockchain to support the collaborative model.


The 2GT coin, a blockchain-based token, is the key engine of 2gether’s platform. It enables access and collaboration within the platform, rewards any member of the community (whether user or product supplier) that generates revenues or tangible value, and captures all the value linked to the platform’s growth and success.

The 2GT coin is present throughout the user experience and works to accelerate customer adoption and engagement.

What can I do with the 2GT coin?

By holding a minimum of 2GT 200 (€10), 2gether members enjoy 2gether’s services, including an augmented everyday banking experience and future access to an endless number of financial products and services. Very soon, members will be able to vote on relevant matters related to the product pipeline, commercial arrangements, 2GT rewards distribution, etc. Later on, once the marketplace is available, members will receive 2GT coin rewards in real time every time they generate revenues from third-party providers, as well as spending them on the marketplace. In sum, they will capture 2gether’s value creation through the different use cases that involve 2GT rewards.

What are the 2GT coin rewards?

2gether makes its money not from its users, but rather from financial product providers, such as banks, insurance companies, fintechs and others. 2gether then shares up to 100% of its operating margins with users based on their individual contributions. Let’s take a moment to illustrate the point:

Assume that you pay a €600 annual premium for your car insurance. A tier 1 insurance company queries 2gether’s platform to reach all the clients whose car insurance expires in one month, pay more than €400 in premiums and earn more than they spend. Assuming you have granted permission to access your data, you happen to be one of those targeted clients (leads). The insurance company pays 2gether €90 for each of those leads, 2gether exchanges them for 2GTs in the open market and deposits them in your 2gether 2GT wallet.

The insurance company then offers you a similar product for a €500 premium, and you decide to purchase the new policy on the 2gether platform. Out of the €500, 2gether receives €200 as distribution fee. Of those €200, 2gether keeps €160 to cover its costs and gives back the remaining €40 to you in the form of 2GT. This second transaction flow will be as follows:

2GT transaction flow

Once 2gether reaches breakeven, revenues shared with users will progressively increase, eventually accounting for a predominant share of 2gether’s total revenues.

What if I’m a product provider?

The 2GT coin also plays a relevant role for financial product providers, as they can:

  • Access data from 2gether’s users (if previously authorized by the user) in exchange for a 2GT coin payment to the user
  • Leverage 2gether’s big data capabilities and APIs to make personalized offers
  • Sell products with an ever-larger 2GT coin reward to customers, reducing customer acquisition and distribution costs

Sounds exciting but… is it secure?

2gether is built on trust and transparency, and we believe that issuing a fully regulated token (the 2GT coin) is the best way to generate trust among 2gether’s community. That is why we have been working for several months to register our whitepaper and have our 2GT coin issued in full compliance with the legislation of Malta, a European Union member and the world’s first country to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for blockchain and distributed-ledger technologies. Our plans are to issue the 2GT coin as a Virtual Financial Asset under Maltese legislation in the coming months.

I want to join!

We just released our beta in the Eurozone, enabling users to join 2gether by acquiring a minimum of 2GT 200 (€10), and enjoy an augmented everyday banking experience for their euros and crypto.

Are you a Spanish national living in Spain? Great! Download 2gether’s beta app and become an owner of 2gether. Do you live in the Eurozone? Sign up for the app and we’ll grant you access in the coming weeks.

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