What is Euroneutrino staking?

A simple and affordable way for everyone to generate passive income

Juan fernandez
4 min readNov 4, 2021


EURN is an algorithmic stablecoin in the Waves ecosystem, pegged to the Euro, which means that its value is linked to that of the Euro with a 1:1 ratio. EURN is under the Neutrino protocol, developed by Waves.

What is Neutrino protocol?

The ​Neutrino protocol is an algorithmic price-stable assetization protocol that enables the creation of stable coins tied to real-world assets or cryptocurrency. The Neutrino protocol is represented by a set of interacting smart contracts written in the programming language Ride and deployed to the Waves blockchain.

3 tokens make up the Neutrino protocol

The Neutrino system basically consists of 3 core tokens: WAVES, USDN and NSBT.

WAVES is a core token of the Waves blockchain that is used for paying transaction fees. It serves as a collateral for USDN, the main Neutrino stablecoin.

USDN is an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. It serves as a collateral for other Neutrino stable assets.

NSBT is a recapitalization and governance token of the Neutrino protocol that ensures the USDN collateral reserves’ stability.

As a recapitalization token, NSBT ensures the stability of collateral reserves in the main Neutrino’s smart contract.

As a governance token, NSBT facilitates voting for issuing new Neutrino assets or updating protocol features and parameters. The governance is carried out via the official Neutrino website.

Neutrino stable assets are digital assets that serve as an equivalent of their underlying real-world analogs.

9 Neutrinos assets

Neutrino stable assets are digital assets that serve as an equivalent of their underlying fiat analogs.

For example, EURN is pegged to the Euro in a 1-to-1 ratio. The current exchange rate is regulated by a smart contract. Rates are updated once a minute. Currently, there are 9 Neutrino assets, excluding USDN:

Neutrino EUR (EURN), pegged to the Euro

Neutrino CNY (CNYN), pegged to the Chinese yuan

Neutrino JPY (JPYN), pegged to the Japanese yen

Neutrino RUB (RUBN), pegged to the Russian ruble

Neutrino UAH (UAHN), pegged to the Ukrainian hryvnia

Neutrino BRL (BRLN), pegged to the Brazilian real

Neutrino GBP (GBPN), pegged to the British pound

Neutrino TRY (TRYN), pegged to the Turkish lira

All Neutrino assets leverage underlying mechanics of USDN staking to enable staking of assets and provide asset holders with daily rewards. The size of rewards is determined by the share of staked Neutrino assets and USDN staking APY.

A little more about the US Dollar Neutrino (USDN)

Built on Neutrino, Waves’s stablecoin protocol, USDN was launched in late 2019.

USDN’s price stability is regulated by the Neutrino protocol’s algorithm and backed by WAVES held in the smart contract. Anyone can audit the smart contract and make sure that all of the above is true.

One important advantage of USDN in comparison with other stablecoins is its multi-chain functionality. Unlike many other stablecoins, USDN is available, in addition to the Waves blockchain, on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Polygon, so users don’t have to pay fees for transferring their tokens between networks, they can buy USDN directly within those networks.

How to generate passive income by staking EURN on 2gether?

La plataforma de 2gether ha integrado el producto de staking de EURN en su plataforma para ofrecer a todos sus usuarios la oportunidad de generar ingresos pasivos mediante esta stablecoin del ecosistema de Waves.

Staking Euroneutrino offers between 8% and 14% profitability on your Euroneutrinos. Calculate your earnings here.

In addition, by reinvesting the passive income generated, we will achieve the compound interest that will allow our portfolio to grow exponentially.

Download this infographic to learn more about how passive income and compound interest work when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

Download the infographic

Okay… and now you’re wondering…

How can I start staking Euroneutrinos?

It’s very simple.

Once you have registered on the 2gether app, all you have to do is enter the amount of euros you wish to stake, click on the stake button in the Euroneutrinos investment section and that’s it.

Every day you will receive your rewards which will be automatically reinvested, achieving the compound interest we have been talking about.

And… Can I withdraw them whenever I want?

You will be able to withdraw your Euroneutrinos whenever you want, without penalty and you will see the rewards you generated in your Euro account.

Start generating passive income and grow your portfolio exponentially thanks to compound interest!

For further information

Infographic financial freedom.

Waves website

Neutrino Protocol

FAQS Neutrino​​

*2gether passes on the entire profitability of the product to the customer and charges a fee on deposit and withdrawal depending on the Founder level.

  • Users — 1%
  • Founders (at least 200 2GT) — 0.70%
  • Explorers (at least 2.000 2GT) — 0.55% a
  • Challengers (at least 20.000 2GT) — 0.35%
  • Satos (more than 100.000 2GT) — 0.10%

See legal terms and conditions



Juan fernandez
Writer for

Community Manager in 2Gether. I like to read about everything but I only like to write when I know about what I’m writing.