An introduction to Activity Based Working

2gethr Hub
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2023

Traditional workspaces are undergoing a paradigm shift, turning into offices that allow for flexibility of where and when to work, keeping productivity as priority. Activity-based working is one such organizational workstyle where employees have the liberty to choose where and how they work, based on their specific work tasks. This is aimed at allowing work appropriate arrangement of seating that paves the way to maximum productivity.

Studies have shown that this approach can reduce stress and improve job satisfaction by giving employees more control over their work environment. Adopting vital people-first elements can enable companies to move out of the traditional work mode and move into newer models of collaborative and communicative working amongst members of a team. ABW is influenced by elements of sensory design, understanding of the functionalities and acceptance of changing workspaces.

Design elements including a variety of rooms under the same office roof that serve a different but specific purpose. For meetings, there are board rooms and meeting rooms available; research atmosphere for the freelancers; and phone booths for quick calls. Productivity comes best when a space is used appropriately and thus it is important to have an understanding of the basic etiquettes to use the space for its optimal usage.

Your senses should be able to guide you to choose the kind of atmosphere you find suitable for your productivity. Some people may find the visual appeal of greenery as essential for productivity while others may prefer some white noise around them; for some, the smell of freshly brewed coffee inspires while for some others it may be the cold air conditioning that is important.

Activity Based Working is likely to become the norm for how work is organized and performed. Any company that considers themselves people-first should switch to ABW as it is the near-future of workspaces. It is essentially about granting carte blanche to employees to choose their work style from a variety of settings provided within an office. ABW is also the way to go if you are looking to bring your workforce out of remote work-mode. It enables you to work out of a setup that is suitable for you and the kind of work you do. 2gethr works with the ABW model with facilities for both its co-working centers as well as managed workspace projects..

