Healthy at the Workplace, Healthy in Life.

2gethr Hub
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

According to WebMD, the most important part of staying healthy at the workplace is self-awareness. Understanding our modes of working and the changes that can be inculcated within the work schedule will help to bring about the intended change. But it is also important to adapt these changes gradually or it could have adverse effects on health.

Work and health go hand-in-hand in the game of life. Staying healthy at the workplace is an essential part of being your most productive self. Bygone are the days when health was just about the body and figure; maintaining a sound mind-body balance is the new normal in being healthy. This is not a herculean task, but it takes smart moves to accomplish a healthy routine at the workplace, where it is easy to get sidetracked from the healthy road.

Here are a few small but smart choices you can include into your work routine to work towards a healthier you -

Prioritize mental health — Everyone takes days off for when they fall sick but it is also essential to take days off when your mental health is not in the right place. Physical and mental health go hand-in-hand and they affect one another. Taking mental health day-off(s) helps with maintaining a sound body-mind balance, which is very significant to productivity.

Take adequate breaks — Get away from your desk and do some socializing. Move around your office, go look out a window at the office that is away from your work-space. Taking breaks is one of the best ways to stay productive and is necessary to avoid mental lethargy, which could be caused by extended periods of working.

Avoid Tension Neck Syndrome (TNS) — If you have a desk job, you have most likely experienced TNS as this pain in your neck and upper shoulder. It occurs as you bend over for extended periods of time. Best way to avoid this is to leave your desk often. While you are at it, grab yourself a glass of water.

Go on a vacation — It does not have to be a big one, a one-day trip away from work and workplace. Find a place near you that you have never been to, and disconnect from work, focus on the people around you and this might bring in a new perspective towards work and how to live a better and healthy life.

At 2gethr, we understand that there is a whole lot more to health than just eating detoxifying food or going for a run every night. Our WELL-certified workspace ensures that no pollutants enter the air within the office; mineral water in dispensers are available to ensure that pure drinking water is available to anyone entering our offices. We have them in place because staying healthy is also about understanding ourselves, gradually and consistently inculcating habits that should become part of our lifestyle, even outside of work.

