How to work on your mental health by working on your surroundings

2gethr Hub
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2022

With the importance of psychological wellness flooding Instagram, Twitter & other social media platforms, co-working spaces worldwide are attempting to integrate ways to improve their users’ experience so that they enjoy working in the hybrid space & keep coming back thus increasing foot-fall as well as being content whilst working. So, how can these new-age spaces cater to the entity that is mental health?

  1. Encourage biophilia

Biophilia refers to the love of living things or life. Experiencing natural life indoors is a sight for sore eyes, creates new points of focus & has even been found to alleviate stress & mental fatigue. Global research has also found that plants help in improving creativity at work. So having as much plants in the workplace can encourage people to feel the outdoors, indoor. Feng-Shui is in, & will definitely have a positive impact on the workforce in co-working spaces.

2. Offer healthy food & beverage options

Philosopher Ludwig Fuerbach once said that “we are what we eat’’, a statement that holds true even today. Eating a balanced diet is one of the many ways to improve our physical & mental states. Providing bowls of seasonal fruit, salads, fresh juices & other popular snacks are more than enough to provide an immediate mood & energy booster to those in need whilst they work. An added benefit is attracting hordes of health-conscious individuals to use your space as well.

3. Ergonomic & versatile seating

Workspaces can begin investing in ergonomic chairs & sofas to ensure comfort & efficiency whilst working. Providing seating options like giant exercise balls to improve posture, reclining chairs, beanbags & even high tables to stand & work at are proving to be more efficient & healthier options as opposed to rigid chairs. This means that employees can now do work while chilling on their work-chair than worry if their chair will give them back-pain for life.

4. Intertwine art & colour

Colour Is A Game Changer when it comes to enhancing mental wellness, & rightfully so, as we find them being used in advertisements & art to attract & make consumers feel a certain way. Hybrid spaces should consider integrating colours like blues, greens, pinks, & white on a few walls, through coloured furniture & even through paintings depicting soothing & overall positive scenes.

Organisations are recognising this as well, & are opening up to the idea of providing safe spaces & healthy workspaces for their employees to work at as long as it does not compromise on productivity. People from varying generations are beginning to acknowledge psychological health & wellness now more than ever.

Hybrid workspaces have already begun their evolution into this new requirement of mental health improvement standards & are most definitely a way to work, work out & stay healthy. A happy mind is a happy life, after all, & our surroundings have a huge role to play in our wellbeing.

