Readying the Workplace for COVID-19

This is how 2gethr is battling the pandemic

barnali nandi mazumder
3 min readMar 26, 2020


Illustration by @chinmayikaushik

With the onset of the pandemic COVID-19, ensuring healthy and hygienic living conditions has become the utmost necessity, especially at the workplace. The two main routes of transmission are respiratory and contact. And so, we must reconsider our daily routine and take necessary steps to avoid the virus spreading through touch or exchange of bodily fluid like cough droplets.

Simple actions like touching one’s face, eyes, nose, or mouth can lead to being infected in case caution isn’t observed.

The following measures must be taken to avoid transmission of the virus:

1. Maintaining a social distance of at least 6 feet from any individual

2. Washing hands with soap repeatedly, especially after using the bathroom, before and after meals, after contact with any respiratory secretions, etc.

3. Using alcohol-based sanitizers with 60 percent alcohol content if access to soap and water is not possible

While working from home is the ideal situation now, some companies need to operate to provide essential services to the public and as such, have adopted business continuity plans.

Keeping this in mind, 2gethr aims at keeping its members and employees safe by undertaking the following steps:

1. Sanitizers available on every floor of the campus

2. Free masks handed out to members

3. Door handles cleaned every 2 hours

4. Workstations and desks cleaned twice every day

5. Fumigation as part of the complete sanitization process

6. Infrared thermometers available for members and visitors

WHO has also stressed on the importance of maintaining the standards of water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management to avoid further risks from this novel coronavirus, especially in crowded areas like the workplace. Although the risk of being transmitted through the above-mentioned factors is low, WHO recommends maintaining the standard so as not to endanger individuals with the risk of infection, mild or severe.

The WELL standards employed at 2gethr help maintain water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management as per the recommendations of WHO. 2gethr strives to create a healthy workplace by offering optimum standardization of the elements like air, light, water, nourishment, movement, thermal comfort, sound, materials, mind, and community.

2gethr has designed the campus at Outer Ring Road as per the WELL principles and standards prescribed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Some of these standardizations are as follows:

1. Air Quality Index (AQI) always maintained between 0–50 PM10

2. Following the global standard of drinking water as prescribed by WHO

3. Toxin-free materials used to design the workspace

4. UV lamps installed inside the Air Handling Unit (AHU) to treat the air inflow

Prioritizing the health of members and employees has always been the first concern at 2gethr. We always strive to achieve a healthy amalgamation of innovation and creativity to create the best environment that nurtures our members and employees, both physically and mentally.

We urge you to assess the current situation and prioritize your health over other things. Although staying indoors and working from home with minimum external contact is the best approach right now, 2gethr ensures a safe and healthy environment for all its members and employees should they choose to work from the 2gethr centers.

We hope you take the right decision and take care of your team members, family, and friends. We assure you, we will overcome this together as we promise to extend our support and pledge our solidarity in such troubled times.



barnali nandi mazumder
Writer for

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