Understanding Preteens: Ages 6 to 11 (Part 2)

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2 min readDec 10, 2023

The changing bond with parents:

Young adults seek respect and expect the same from everyone, especially their parents. They strive to be more independent. Interestingly, if someone they admire, like a respected teacher, says something is true, they’ll often take it as absolute truth, even if their parents disagree. This is because they’ve learned about right and wrong from their parents and have developed a deeper understanding. However, they can become impatient when their parents try to advise or warn them.

Why do “bad manners” pop up?

Children begin using adult vocabulary beyond their years, showing a desire to dress fashionably and choose their own hairstyles. They might shove all their food onto their plate at once, neglecting table manners, eating without first washing their hands, and carelessly discarding their coats and school uniforms on the floor. They often slam doors or leave them ajar.

Such behaviours can cause even the most patient parents to feel dismayed and worried about these changes.

However, these behaviours are typical signs that children are learning to discern right from wrong as they mature. Statistically, girls tend to exhibit less rebellious behaviour than boys, although they may still display subtle shifts in attitude.

So What you can do?

Hold on to what’s important to you. When you ask kids to do things like finish their food or wash their hands, try not to sound naggy or bossy because kids don’t like that.

What’s Next in Part 3:

The magic of first friendships
The need to be liked by everyone
Becoming Strict (Taking rules more seriously)
What is Tics?

My daughter waving her brother

Join me as we continue our journey, understanding the wonders of preteen growth.

Note: While this article is rooted in my personal experiences, I’ve also drawn insights from the book “Baby & Child Care” by Dr. Benjamin Spock. A must-read for parents seeking a deeper understanding of child development.The changing bond with parents:




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