2key network development update — August 2019 ⚡👨‍💻💪

Erez Ben-kiki
4 min readSep 3, 2019


We are excited to announce an updated version for 2key network, runs on Ropsten test-net, to be released today. The 2key team continued their amazing work and the new version presents many new features.
Here are the biggest ones:

Edit Campaigns, even after they are deployed
Contractors can now edit their campaign design even after they have been created and deployed. 2key campaigns are smart contracts that can’t be changed after deployed to the Ethereum blockchain, That’s why we only allow the design to be edited, such as text, images, videos, etc. but hey, that’s the most important part of the campaign sometimes!

Edit button is on the top right corner

New Campaign Publish Page
Starting with this version, after creating a campaign, the contractor can easily share and edit the message for his first circle of fans and supporters and quickly connect to 8 different social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and more, or copy the campaign 2key link and share it by any means. A good chain starts with strong seeds!

Publish a Campaign page

2key Community Product — Social Mining Launch!
We have completed integration with Dao Maker great community product- Social Mining! From now, all 2key users, community and supporters will be able to start earning 2KEYs for participating and help distribute the project content, social media, participate in competitions, take tasks that help grows the network, and much more.
The access to SM is simple, open it from your user view, the user handle and wallet address will sync with Social Mining. We are going to expand the collaboration between 2key and SM over time so it will be an integral part of 2key reputation mechanism, and monthly community rewards.

← Get to the community dashboard from user Nav-bar

Social Mining Dashboard

Implementation of THE GRAPH
2key is one of the first projects to use The Graph innovative technology. It helps us empower 2key network by syncing and showcase state and information of smart contracts directly and with zero latencies, yet without compromising on decentralization — as the graph allows us to drop dependencies on centralized backend databases for monitoring, persisting, caching and serving blockchain data. This will make the network runs also faster and smoother.

2key’s referral-map. Generated based on data served by “The Graph”
2key’s referral-map. Generated based on data served by “The Graph”

Bug Fixes, Design & UX Improvements, and code refactoring
Many thanks to the feedback we started receiving from users we are now hard working to fix and modify many elements of the network for a faster, smoother and better experience to all users. some of the changes you will feel immediately, like a new color, darker, for page admin nav-bar, creates a stronger distinction between user and admin view (check image below).
Also, from now on when anyone sends you a token, you will see it in your wallet immediately! Many other improvements are behind the scenes but have a big impact on network speed and usability.

Admin view have a new look
The new Page Admin view, Nav-bar look

We keep pushing new features, and our roadmap is full of tasks for a few months ahead. We invite you all to test the 2key network at test.2key.io and keep giving us feedback and suggestion for improvements on the Telegram channel or contact us page. 2key is a community network, and will be based on community feedback as we keep on buidling!

wishing you all a great end of August :)

Erez and the 2key team

