2Key Network in 150- and 300-Word Descriptions

H. S.
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2019

2key Network is an advanced second layer scalability solution with an operating application, Smart Links, that has already acquired a go-to market through our network of partners and clients. In this article, you can learn about 2key Network, with a brief insight into our goal, through two concise 150- and 300-word descriptions.

While the first description simply describes the 2key ecosystem, the latter offers a concise introduction to how the ecosystem operates.

The Ultimate TL;DR: 2key in 150 Words

The digital ad sector is controlled by a handful of companies. While blockchain solutions have tried to combat this centralization, they haven’t attracted the masses because the solutions are incompatible with Web 2.0, and the blockchains they are built on fall short on either security, scalability, or decentralization.

2key Network is disrupting the sector by creating a seamless solution: integrating smart contracts into HTML links. Smart Links are compatible with not only the Web 3.0, but also the Web 2.0 as everyone on the net already utilizes/shares links. The Smart Link natively tracks who a link has been shared with and, if a link leads to a revenue-driving action, every sharer gets a share of the pie. 2key Network is democratizing distribution of value by enhancing something people already do: share links. To support network demands, 2key is built on its own second-layer Ethereum solution that crushes the blockchain trilemma.

A Still-Impressive TL;DR: 2key in 300 Words

HTTP links are a fundamental part of the web: they enable us to navigate through the web. In the scramble to decentralize the internet, the creation of Smart Links, which merge smart contracts into HTTP links, are the most effective means of pulling the masses towards a better, decentralized, and democratized web.

2key Network has created the most advanced layer two solution for the Ethereum network. Any application built atop this layer benefits from the highly decentralized and robust security of Ethereum, while having the scalability benefits derived from 2key’s development. The first application built upon this layer is 2key’s Smart Link.

Unlike a standard HTML link, which at best allows tracking of click data, the Smart Link is able to track every person that has come in contact with a link, while simultaneously associating a wallet with that person; this wallet can be unlocked through any browser, offline, thereby ensuring the security of the wallet’s accrued assets. The purpose of the auto-creation of wallets is to ensure anyone who was involved in the chain of shares that eventually led to a customer-acquisition — a product sale, a content read, an investment, etc. — is rewarded for the role played in that conversion.

The rewards are sourced from contract creators who opt to attract a customer base through the most advanced digitalization of word of mouth: Smart Link sharing. Contract creators have the ability to set the terms which the HTML link-bound smart contracts should recognize as a conversion. Once the terms are met, the smart contract automatically distributes, among all who shared the link, the conversion payment the contract creator had set.

2key Network democratizes the value distribution of the digital ad sector by allowing people to decentralize the web by simply sharing the same links they interact with every day.

This is the first article in 2key’s 1-Month of Content.

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io); you can be the pioneering drive in the first feasible solution in the scramble to decentralize the web.

