2key.network v0.5 is Live!

Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2020

We are happy to update on a new major version release for 2key.network.

2key v0.5 is now live at 2key.io with quite a few improvements.

Check out the main updates:

1. Reputation mining V1 Deployed
2key reputation mining, an integral part of 2key tokenomics that adds ways to earn 2KEY Tokens, including through staking, is now live. Find out more here.

2. New design and UX for Login/SignUp.
If you already have an account, you’re in the green :-), otherwise, enjoy the streamlined signing up process with direct funnels to creating campaigns.

3. Faster & easier onboarding for SmartLink creation
You can now create a page and wallet in just 2 clicks, also available within direct funnels to create campaigns.

4. Elimination of users’ Layer 1 registration fee
Registration for referrers in SmartLink campaigns is now taking place on the 2key Layer2 Protocol, eliminating Ethereum Tx fees. Layer 2 registrations then transmitted to layer1 only when the user graduates to a higher risk account (e.g. contractor or converter in monetary campaign).

5. Kyber Katalyst migration + in-wallet swap optimizations
We merged Kyber latest upgrade — Katalyst, in the 2key wallet swap feature and optimised the swap mechanics to use mask-in hints to select only the top performing single reserves for any swap, making kyber swaps on 2key the cheapest possible in terms of transaction fees.

6. Option to postpone backing up your wallet — Create a 2key wallet in 2 clicks, and back it up later when it’s convenient.

7. Additional security layer to 2key wallet
Any activity that requires interaction with the wallet is now protected by an additional unlock request.

8. Improved data and accounting in SmartLinks’ dashboard
You can now see:

  • Unique viewers: the total number of unique viewers who accessed the SmartLink preview page.
  • Clicks: the total number of clicks that includes repeated clicks from unique viewers, fraudulent clicks, clicks from outside the defined distribution limitation or targeted audience, and approved clicks.
  • Approved clicks: the number of approved clicks includes those that generate rewards and also those that do not generate rewards but are otherwise valid. For example, when a PPC SmartLink budget is exhausted, it automatically becomes a Hosted (No Reward) SmartLink and all subsequent valid clicks will yield zero rewards.
  • Paid clicks: the number of paid clicks — are all approved clicks that warranted a reward and for which the reward has been paid.
  • Distribution Limits: Displays the maximum number of payable clicks per referrer
  • The Clicks per Viewer ratio: Displays the percentage of people who clicked to open the link compared to the number of people who saw the preview. A high percentage indicates that the preview picture and displayed text was well designed and that referrers properly targeted the audience with whom they shared the SmartLink.
  • The average referral chain length: Calculate the average between the total number of chains and subchains leading to a conversion.

9. A new editor
Improved text and design editor for Hosted SmartLinks. You can now use SmartLinks for publishing your own professional blog directly on 2key.io

10. Enhanced validation for PPC Clicks
Better validation, and anti-fraud integration behind the scenes.

11. Community Dashboard Launched
Check out the new live stats about 2key community activity here.

12. Various security patches and fixes to issues from our bug bounty program.

13. Multiple other usabilities and stability improvements, bug fixes, and improved scalability.

Check 2key network new version at 2key.io Now!

2key is a Layer2 solution to Ethereum Blockchain, that transforms today’s HTTP links into Tomorrow’s Decentralized Web. Creators of the SmartLink.

Learn more @

