2key Roadmap — Where we were, and where we are heading to 🌕

Erez Ben-kiki
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2019
We need to get rid of all these advertisements! We agreed. And that’s how it all started…

The 2key project took off the ground in mid-2017, and since then, We are in a never-ending process of learning, building, adjusting, and repeating it. Now we know, that when building a deep-tech startup, which is always on the bleeding edge of the scientific and technological front of his space, you need to develop a behavior of an Antelope:

Run very fast, but keep your energy for long distances at changing speeds. Control your maneuver skills and don’t be afraid of constant sharp turns, jump over hedges, and sometimes, stop; look around at the landscape around you to find the right path for you.

Mental and behavioral flexibility is an essential strength for any startup!

2key started around a common idea, ideology, and passion, but since then, we have already made 4 pivots (!), some larger and others small, and we are very happy and satisfied with each one of them, that’s how we keep getting stronger and push forward in a constantly changing and volatile ecosystem.
At least once a month we stop to sit and talk, understand whether we are in the right direction, where does the big demand lyes, what are the users pain-points in our industry, what new technologies we need to explore or implement, and most importantly, are we on the path to move the needle?

When we started 2key it was only 2 of us, and very fast it grew to 3, 4, 5, and never stopped since. Today we are a team of 14 Full-time plus few part-time members, We have learned to swim all together in almost perfect synchronization, to turn a collection of individuals into one strong and stable form that can withstand any great wave on its way to its destination.
After a period of hard work and intense development, we are proud to have a precise team of professionals to lead 2key into its next chapters.

We look to the future, fueled by inspiration, optimism, and excitement.

This is a brief summary of the 2key project roadmap to date (September 2019), The main milestones we have built and achieved. what is being done, and what will be done —


The year of the Idea, Ignition, and Vision


  • We understood that using Blockchain Tech and Smart contracts we can solve a huge problem for online marketing then we set off!
    2key concept is born and project launch
  • 2key’s core team is formed


  • Legal framework and general administration completed
  • Development of technological protocol prototype begins
  • Network MVP specification begins


  • Design & architecture for network version 1.0 is ready
  • V1 of web2.0 1-step referral zero-integration lead generation
  • Testing the 2key protocol POC on Ethereum test net


The year of the Liftoff and Formation


  • 2key’s whitepaper version V1.0 is released
  • Multi-step protocol V 1.0 ready
  • POC of an acquisition campaign
  • Project seed round initiated


  • Network’s MVP is completed
  • Technical whitepaper and yellow paper are published
  • First 2 patents registered
  • First Partnerships Formed with leading projects like Enigma and Civic
  • Seed Round of $1.5m secured from notable contributors in the industry


  • Tokenomics V1.0 ready
  • Releasing 2key incentive model paper
  • POC of vote/petition campaigns
  • 2key’s network back-end formed


  • Token sale vertical V1.0 ready
  • 2key wallet V1.0 ready
  • 2key KYC product ready
  • Forming 2key Labs


The year of Execution and first Product fit


  • Delivering Network’s alpha version including Token sale vertical
  • Releasing version 1.0 of 2key’s tracking graph
  • 2key nodes using Plasma tech deploy
  • Donation vertical Design+ Technical specs ready
  • First launch customers for the network sign


  • Test-net deployed on Ropsten
  • Valid network integration
  • Simplex integration-ready
  • Bug Bounty program initiated


  • The Graph integration deployed
  • Whitepaper V2.0 ready
  • Collaboration with Dao Maker and Social Mining integration
  • Token Sale campaign launch


  • 2KEY Token official distribution
  • 2key network main-net launch
  • CPC, tracking & distribution vertical launch
  • Reputation mechanism V1.0 deploy


The year for Market fit and Scaling


  • 2key for 2key- invite a friend/ Community pool initiation
  • Design spec for 2key SDK
  • Launch Monthly Donations product
  • MPSNs Stage 1 Implementation — Plasma mining, browser validation
  • Integration of wallet and contracts to Bitcoin


  • Developing 2key’s mobile native apps
  • Launch of Content vertical - Publisher share widget
  • Launch Crowdfund and Patrons products
  • Network integration with more wallets like MEW, Trezor, Portis and others
  • General-purpose Multi-Party-State-Networks stage1 — Plasma miner, browser validators
  • Network’s End of quarter Target- 100K users. 1k campaigns. 3 Integrators


  • Admin audience management- 2key basic CRM product
  • 2key chrome extension
  • 2key for affiliation platforms integration
  • Deploy 2key SDK
  • Deploy 2key network in 2–4 more languages

Q4 and Beyond

  • Position 2key as a Scaling solution for Ethereum
  • Deploy the 2key protocol with more Dapps
  • strength scale and adoption of 2key within the digital marketing industry
  • MPSNs — General Purpose — Stage3 — Browser mining+validation, layer1 dispute resolution cryptographically guaranteed
  • Deploy new verticals- SignUps, Subscriptions, Votings, etc.
  • 2key Extention for different services- Shopify, Wordpress, Wix, and more
  • Integrate with a token to stable coins pegging solutions
  • Deploy 2key API for integration
  • Deploy 2key network in more languages
  • Expend the 2key second layer capabilities by 2key Labs
  • Explore protocol integration with other Blockchains
  • Full decentralization of the 2key network
  • Network’s EOY Target- 300K users. 3K campaigns. 10 Integrators.
  • Reach Moon! 🌕
2key personal starship :)

When we work, and when we plan ahead, 3 mantras always on our mind:

  • Be Agile. Not the Biggest or Strongest Survive.
  • We run a Marathon, not Sprints.
  • We run Together, and We Win Together.

Follow our progress, It's going to be a great ride :)

Erez and the 2key team

