Bottish to use Smart Links to Boost Userbase

H. S.
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2019

Memberships are a growing trend in the business world. As people are becoming attuned to membership fees which allow unlimited access to a product, users’ are able to self-align their utility level to a product’s consumption. Simultaneously, businesses are shifting towards business models driven by memberships are this offers them cash flow and revenue predictability.

2key Network’s Smart Links are capable of supercharging the growth of membership programs by making it possible for seamless distribution of remuneration to all those involved in a conversion of a member, each time a monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. payment is made. One of the first organizations to implement Smart Links to boost its member base is Bottish.

A Smart Link binds smart contracts into normal web links, enabling them to execute economic incentives tied with business goals. This enables the creator of the Smart Link to gain multi-step tracking of the Smart Link’s shares and subsequently reward those who share the link whenever a conversion happens. Thus, Smart Links have the potential to enable growth campaigns that can perpetually fund themselves.

What is Bottish?

With over 20,000 members, spanning professionals, service providers, and enterprises, Bottish is a major Switzerland-based conference covering deep tech like AI, ro/bots, and blockchain. Bottish enables established companies and startups connect with each other, and with leading professionals or KOLs in various prominent tech sectors.

2key Network x Bottish

There are a number of challenges in promoting business models that operate on memberships. The cost of most growth channels is not dynamic and thus the cost of customer acquisition is static regardless of whether a user remains a member for a month or years. Additionally, increasingly popular exposure mechanisms like affiliate, referral, and kickback programs are unable to effectively reward participants as there is no means to assess the amount of time a user would remain a member.

Smart Links are a complete solution to the growth pains faced by organizations and companies that rely on memberships.

The smart contracts in Smart Links are capable linear scalability and can distribute remunerations to all those who source members each time a membership fee has been paid. Thus, business models relying on memberships are able to utilize a dynamic cost system which creates a user acquisition cost structure which reflects the life-time value of a member. Simultaneously, rather than being rewarded only once for sourcing a life-time member to a business, Smart Links ensure referrers are rewarded each time a payment is made.

Convenient Effectiveness

On another positive note, Smart Links will enable Bottish to exercise a powerful growth mechanism without forcing users to be a part of a sign-up process.

Users who are part of a share chain of Smart Links that lead to a conversion will be remunerated to the non-custodial Web-3 wallet that is issued to them the instant they engage with a Smart Link. For the communities of businesses and organizations, this removes any friction in participating in the process of growing membership programs. In the case of Bottish, its community of over 20,000 will now have the opportunity to seamlessly be a growth engine for the organization.

Click a Smart Link. Join the decentralized web.




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