2local- Facing Mr. Economy

Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2020

as a reminder, we all experience the world around us differently. It’s part of what makes us unique as people. We also have the power to recognize and shift our perspectives and perception with intention and new information. It’s part of our superpower as humans.
Have empathy for how others experience the world. Challenge yourself to be brave and really track what you are actually focusing on with your thoughts and actions. You will always find more of what you are looking for.
Imagine economy is a person and one day he will come to you and say know that the next time we meet it will not end well.!!!
what is your reaction then?

As you know from the beginning
Humans are always trying to find a way to live. Old methods no longer have a place in our lives. Modern methods have replaced traditional methods. For example, we used to go to the bank to do a banking job physically, but now the same things can be done on the Internet and you can save time, money and energy.
We too must adapt to the new conditions and take advantage of the modern world ahead and online businesses. One of these online businesses 2local Is called.

2local A new economic program that seeks to establish social justice and equality for all in the light of global conditions.
But you may ask that you have encountered other economic models before and Everyone is the same and they just chant. Why should I choose 2local?
This method is not interesting!
What is the difference between 2local and other economic models?

This is a simple answer
In all periods of life, economics is an integral part of human life and to live your own life, you must interact with a model of it.
It’s not about you like it or not it’s about what’s best for you and what’s can make you different from the other peoples.
Many of the previous models are designed to the detriment of ordinary people and to serve the interests of their creators, that is, to rule a specific and limited segment of society as a whole because they have the power to make society as long as they have money in their hands Lead to their goals, which results in poverty, economic corruption and numerous thefts.

But in the way 2local founded, wealth and financial resources are in the hands of all the people of the society in a very practical way, and the more you try and show your enthusiasm for the system, the more income you will have as a result. In fact, because the profit and the amount of income from this process start from the people and return to them, no one can have a predetermined superiority over others, and this causes power and wealth to be divided between people and others. Do not witness poverty, economic corruption and theft in the financial system of a particular country or society.
And yeah it’s democracy.

So isn’t it better to choose a system that seeks transparency from the beginning and provides all that is needed in the field of economics?
Isn’t it better to choose a system that seeks to create welfare for the poor and low-income sections of society in order to create democracy in the true sense of the word?
When you can choose a path with open and calculated vision and gain new and useful benefits, why blindly look for old things and waste your time and energy.
These are just a few of the things that make 2local different from other economic models.

But we need help we can’t do this alone.
you see this project is based on win-win system not win-loose so no matter who you are or where do you live OR what language you speaking
if you believe in changing the world
2local has a professional plan for you and invites you to join this program.
Let the past go it’s beyond our control. we can live in the past or live for the future.
We all have choices. think how you can change your destiny and people’s destiny’s.

The time has come for you to once again show out duty as a person to make the world great again because as you know
STARS can’t shine without darkness.
You and me can make it.
With 2local you are a free person.
It’s time to start acting like it.
So when you see him (Mr economy) again
And he said next time I see you it will not end well look into his eyes and say no Sir you are mistaken.
it will ends perfectly for me because I have 2local.

Bobby Mn
December 1, 2020



Editor for

2local is building a loyalty platform to be the first to give the wealth of the blockchain back to the people who use the 2local coin (L2L).