How To Get More Sales With A Story

A Copywriting Strategy To Demonstrate Your Value Without Being Sleazy

Cathy Goodwin


Image from Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash.

You’ve probably heard the classic “Tale of Two Young Men” Wall Street Journal story. Some consider it the greatest sales letter ever written. It sold $2 billion worth of WSJ subscriptions between 1975 and 2003. And it’s in almost everyone’s swipe file. For a good analysis, click here.

Essentially, two young men graduated from the same college with similar grades and similar demographics. They went to work for the same Midwestern manufacturing company. Twenty-five years later, one managed a small department; one was company president.

The difference? One read the WSJ.

You can read more about the “two paths” format in my book on storytelling, Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. It’s free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers, which many of us are.

And here’s a challenge. What would your company’s “two paths” story look like?

The template goes like this.

Two services offered X.
Service A did this.
Service B did that.
Service B delivered value far more than Service A.
People who chose. Service B is far better off, in measurable ways.



Cathy Goodwin

Create a compelling marketing message that attracts your ideal clients through your unique selling story.