What I Invest In & Why

Ruzaan du Plooy
Blockchain Gorilla
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018

I was one of those rare cases that knew about Bitcoin early on. A number of years ago, I came across a Silk Road article discussing the blackmarket and how funds were being transferred illegally. Ignoring the prevalent FBI investigation bit, I started researching Bitcoin. What it was, how it worked, and how popular it was with the masses. Needless to say it wasn’t popular at all, at least not for people that weren’t involved in criminal activity.

I have always had a fascination with anything that would push towards a global currency. Believing that someday there would be a monetary system that would be able to work on a global and international scale. Bitcoin showed that promise, even back then when I was researching in 2011.

I didn’t have much money to invest with at the time, so I was adamant that my dad look into it and start investing. Even just some spare change, anything, I was so sure of the future of this coin. The idea and possibilities were endless, it just needed the attention of the masses and an urgency call to change our ways.

As fast as my fascination with Bitcoin started, it soon became a dormant memory and I would only perk up when someone mentioned the word in a financial debate, and most of the time it would be shot down due to lack of social acceptance.

Well fast forward to December of 2017. The market hit a whopping $20,000 a coin. What?

Still struggling with social acceptance, it was becoming a rising star among all crypto currencies. I watched those around me get entangled with not just Bitcoin, but other smaller coins as well. They started day trading and went through the motions all traders do when dealing with investing in such a volatile market. I didn’t want any part of the ups and downs so I decided on investing in only one coin, and hold.

The one coin I believed in all along. Bitcoin.

Since then the market has tanked, for lack of a better word. Bitcoin enthusiasts all over the world are watching the the market prices closely and some are speculating that Bitcoin is a lost cause, while others are saying that Bitcoin will hit 50k by the end of the year.

What do I think will happen? I’m not sure. All I know is this was the one coin I have believed in since the beginning and I don’t plan on missing the boat again.

*This article is for educational/entertainment purposes only and I am no way suggesting you need to invest in any of the above or that you would profit from any trading.

