Emma Gonzalez! It’s Your Call

Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

Your voice counts as much as the voter’s

Just don’t quit

The Republican politicians are counting on the teens caring for a few days and then settling down. The NRA is counting on the same thing. The teens will be outraged, and march, and scream, and smoke a joint, and forget about the whole thing with a bag of Doritos. After all…they can’t vote, anyway. They’ll quit.

I have a better idea. The idea?


You may not have a vote, but you have means to get things done. And you are the only ones who can do it. I’m talking to Emma Gonzalez, the outspoken teen from Parkland, Florida who has been in the news lately. I’m talking to you not just for Florida, but for the entire country.

Here’s the plan:

Organize. Find other teen leaders around the country and organize. Do not lose your rage.

Boycott. Until your schools are safe; until your movie theaters are safe; until your lives are more important than the money from the NRA…boycott.

Don’t go to school. Don’t go to movie theaters. Don’t go to concerts. Constantly protest until gun control legislation and regulation has been signed into law by the White House. Don’t go to school until that happens.

Don’t make it a one day protest or walk-out. Every politician worth his or her slime can withstand that. Don’t go to school until a law is signed by the Russian…I mean…Commander In Chief.

You won’t get every teen on board across the country, but you’ll get enough to make the news on TV every night.

It’s your turn, Emma Gonzalez

Gather your fellow leaders across the country and plan this thing out. Make the public (and the NRA) know that just because you can’t vote doesn’t mean you won’t be heard. It’s you guys that are getting shot!

If nothing changes…nothing changes.

The politicians are waiting for you to end, and the next news cycle to begin.

It’s time for teens to make history. It’s time to make the gun lobbyists’ lives a living hell. It’s time to stay away from dangerous places…like your own schools.


Make history, Emma Gonzalez. And bring the rest of us along with you. Share this article as much as you can with as many people as you can. Social media counts. Ask any Russian spy!

Until government legislation is signed into law…

…raise hell. And don’t quit.



Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits

A stand-up comedian and author making Stoicism fun. @Medium @Creative Cafe