I’m A Grandfather…Kinda…Almost

Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018

I’ve known for a month and couldn’t say anything. It almost killed me.

Already equipped for July 22nd

I’ve known for almost a month when my daughter gave me the tee-shirt pictured above. “Zayde” (or Zaydie) is Yiddish (I think) for “Grandfather” (I’m sure). In Hebrew it’s “Sabah,” but my dad was called Zayde, and my brother is Zayde, so that makes it more or less a tradition.

Anyway, when my daughter gave me the tee-shirt as a Chanukah present, I had no idea she was pregnant. I took the shirt out of the bag; read it; waited a split second for the information to be processed; and said (and I quote) “No fuckin’ way…”

There were tears of joy and hugs all around. The baby is due on July 22nd. As you know from my post from December 23rd (https://medium.com/3-minute-bits/being-a-racist-anti-semite-a0b5f554e331 ), my daughter married an Ethiopian. So, I think this means that once the baby is born, I am officially Black. Kinda cool when I think about it.

MY people now

She had the 3 month ultra-sound today, and besides throwing up all the time every day (my daughter…not me), everyone is healthy.

Many of my friends are already grandparents (something I thought I would never say) and they’ve told me already today what a great experience it is going to be. Right now, the whole idea is hard for my head to get around; maybe because it’s not about me.

It’s even up to my daughter and her husband to decide the kid’s name; which probably means that my suggestion of ‘Zorro’ has already been rejected.

I can’t believe I’m going to do this, because I always make fun of people who do this, and I think the concept is ridiculous, and it looks the same for everyone, and I swore to myself that when the time came I would never do it, and here I am and I’m going to do it. This is my grandchild.

How is that body gonna hold up that head?

I sincerely hope, that as the months progress, the proportions change. But as you could tell by simply looking at the picture…

…the kid’s a GENIUS!

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Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits

A stand-up comedian and author making Stoicism fun. @Medium @Creative Cafe