Kids Are Vicious

Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

Kids say the darndest things…and most of them are cruel

Who said kids are cute?

“It’s a free country!” This, on the face of it, sounds like a very patriotic thing to say. But it is usually followed by, “…and I’ll say whatever I want!” or “…and I’ll do whatever I want!” or “…and I’ll sell it to Russia!”

Okay, so all of the above have recently been said by President of the United States, Donald Trump. Usually, though, (all except the ‘Russia’ thing), they are said by little kids arguing with each other.

Do they even know what they’re saying? I remember saying it when I was a youngster. I don’t recall thinking to myself, “…I’d never be able to say something like that in Mussolini’s Italy…”

Or, “…if I did that in Saudi Arabia, I’d have my hands cut off…”

I mean…kids don’t say things like, “You are such a liar, you remind me of a Congressman!” Maybe in the Washington, D.C. area schools they do, but I didn’t grow up around there.

Kids say, “Liar, liar…pants on fire…”

That’s an horrific thing to say!

Well of course he’s not wearing them!

My favorite from my childhood was, “Get off my property!”

Like, at 8 years old, I was the one who paid the mortgage. Unless you’re one of the Olsen twins, that demand rarely truthfully applies.

Damn kids

The bottom line is…kids can be vicious. Take the Menendez brothers, for example.

We can blame it on ourselves and self-flagellate and say they are only following our example, but I think that’s bullshit.

I think it’s exactly the opposite. I think adults watch the kids and learn it from them. We see them, with their awful threats and belittling behavior and, not knowing any better, we ape their activities. A reasonable adult is not going to wish anyone’s pants to spontaneously combust. We have empathy! We know that would hurt, and scar, and cause irreparable bodily damage. And for what?


I would have been such a nice guy if it weren’t for my kids.

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Charley Warady
3 Minute Bits

A stand-up comedian and author making Stoicism fun. @Medium @Creative Cafe