The World is Becoming a Much More Aggressive and Scary Place To Live

How can gentle people survive?

Kristina Pulford
Thought Thinkers


Photo by Andreas Nast on Unsplash

The world is becoming more aggressive, and I am concerned about how a gentle soul can survive. Every time I turn on the news, I see horrors happening worldwide. Atrocities are committed against the Ukrainian people by the aggressors from Russia. There are school shootings like those in Uvalde, Texas, nearly every day now. People are murdering children in their classrooms. This is the most aggressive and horrible act I can imagine. I turned off the news for a while to ignore the horrors of the world, but now I am seeing the aggression in everyday life. The hostility and aggression are palpable. I can feel it while I am driving my car and when I am at the grocery store.

People drive more aggressively and are more distracted than ever before. I was nearly run off the road last week by a car that wanted to drive dangerously and passed me on the shoulder going about 100 mph. Almost every driver I see on the road is distracted by their phone. They are surfing the web or texting. My defensive driving can not make up for people who want to drive like lunatics. People get behind the wheel and become an unrecognizable, aggressive version of themselves. I do not understand it. What could be so important…



Kristina Pulford
Thought Thinkers

Nurse, teacher, writer, mom, wife, friend to animals, lover of books, peloton addict. I have a lot of opinions & I'm ready to overshare. Top writer in parenting