
The Inevitable Truth That Cannot Get Out of the Way

Alec Zarenkiewicz
Thought Thinkers


Photo by author

Change. An idea we all know and love. Well, it might make more sense to say know and hate. Is it worth it to say we know it at all?

When change comes we can’t stand to look it in the eye. When change peers around the corner, we hide ourselves around the next. Even when change comes right up and smacks us in the face, we experience denial.

Sure a shocking shift can take time to adjust to, but even subtle changes behave this way. I remember not being able to fathom that I was moving almost 5,000 miles away from home, but I have also spent months trying to remember a new password.

It’s no secret the events of 2020 have radically changed society and the world at large. People moved with this shift in history, willingly and unwillingly. Lives lost, plans shattered, and dreams disappeared. It changed the way we see social programs, the economy, and politics. I can’t imagine a world without all of this change. The kicker is that a lot of people were expecting things to change back at some point.

The irony of this notion that everything would ‘go back to normal’ is baked into our experience — the world has never been normal. We’re on a space rock spinning at about 1,000 miles per hour while flying around a bright gas ball of hydrogen and helium. This…



Alec Zarenkiewicz
Thought Thinkers

Snobby cannabis farmer, honorable dungeon master, obsessive note taker, passionate cerebrationist, silly tour guide, amateur musician and alleged writer/editor