Dealing With Opinion

It can be divisive

Christine Morris Ph.D.
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2023


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

In a place where we have such a vast range of topics to read, some present their opinions. Mostly, these are engaging and often with humor.

So what do we do when someone presents opinion that is diametrically opposed to the accepted wisdom of our field professionally? Do we become part of the echo chamber? Do we pretend that we never read it? What is the right thing to do.

For me, this is so terribly hard. I was born into a family that had survived the death camps of Nazi occupied Europe. Six million Jews died because too many people remained silent. Also, I brought up to have character and to stand for my convictions.

“it’s easy to stand in the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone”

Mahatma Gandhi

All my life I have been aware of this thought; that blending in too easy and that self-respect is nourished by affirming our individuality. Even teachers are not great fans of homogenous students, though it might make their work easier. I always loved how students stood out for one reason or another. I loved reading great imaginations and wonderful ideas.



Christine Morris Ph.D.
Thought Thinkers

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.