Writers Are Everyday People

And we have an opinion about everything

Crazy Person™️
Thought Thinkers
4 min readNov 21, 2022


A Crazy Person’s Perspective

Are you a writer on Medium? Me too. This is for you and me.

We are too opinionated. And sometimes when we feel the urge to say something, we shouldn’t.

Our opinions are like turds — polished with citings and quotes from other polished turds.

“To gain your own voice, you have to first forget about having it heard”

-Allen Ginsberg

Don’t mind the quote, that’s just me polishing my turd.

We tend to think we know things, but we don’t. It’s because we are those people in society. The ones who over-think and analyze everything. Every paragraph. Every sentence. Every word. Every assumed insinuation.

We even insert our own words between the words of others. Why? Because we always think we know what’s really being said. But we don’t. As much as we like to think we know, we’re usually wrong.

But I enjoy writing on medium. It organizes my thoughts in a way other apps on my phone don’t offer. As a bonus, I’m able to insert my two-sense and leave my little turds where other writer’s left their turds — at least on Medium.

But I wonder. Does anyone really need our excrement? Probably not. I’m pretty sure every person around the world, would get along just fine without our speculation.

Speculation— usually about everyone else instead of ourselves. Because we are writers. That’s what we do; we observe. Then we judge. Then we write.

We hope our insight or not-so-unique observation might initiate some profound shift in society’s psyche. Or at the very least the people in society, which is enough for us…

Even if on a subliminal level, we know words are influence and they’re our obvious, preferred form of manipulation. When we’re not trying to manipulate what people think, we’re manipulating the words in our written narrative.

Our one way conversation with the world.

It’s my firm belief not everyone deserves to be heard; to have a voice. Especially myself. I’m a confrontational person by nature. In reality I enjoy a good debate devoid of emotional context. But most people are incapable of setting their emotions aside in the spirit of healthy discourse.

So I write. Why do you? Really?

Do you write because you’re looking for agreeable comments? Do you want 💩 left on your 💩?

Do you settle for the imaginary, and all-around confusing claps?

Let’s touch on claps…

Are they equal to likes? Are they something we do out of respect for other writers, because they’re brave enough to write too, even if we don’t agree? Do we clap when a writer successfully influences us? When a writer provokes us to think? What if I’m laughing at an insane, ridiculous turd and, happen to be clapping at the same time? Do I clap then?

Will the author know I’m clapping because I think their serious, I’ll-informed (so I think) essay is anything other than hilarious? Does it matter?

But that’s just me being a writer. Inspecting things that don’t need inspection. Asking irrelevant questions because my parents told me I was special.

Because I’m bored. I write because I’m fucking bored. The world is boring. People are boring. Society’s issues, are boring. Politics are especially boring. If it’s tiring, it’s boring.

Don’t wonder how the world got to where it is. A large part is because of the internet. It created a platform for everyday people to write. And we do. Because we want to make our lives a little less boring, so we write down our chaos and irresponsibly make it available to the world. A fatal consequence of our boredom: we become part of the influential problem driving others to act.

It’s not always a good thing. But we writers don’t care. We want the world to adopt our way of thinking. We’re so bored, we’re right.

So please, people out there in the world, take us seriously; the people so bored, we write.

And remember, we’re here for you.

**I think the only writers who don’t fall into this category would be those who write poetry. And clearly, any technical literature is not part of this critique, or fictional. This is for…the bloggies. Those who speak on current events. How to make you life better. The “10 ways to masturbate” writers and those who always talk about “you”. So me. And others like me.



Crazy Person™️
Thought Thinkers

I’m never talking about you but I am always talking to you.