Don't Sit There And Settle! Get Up And Get Intentional.

Why You Need Accountability Partnerships As A Creative.

Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2023



Believe it or not, giving up on your goals is easy.

As creators, we get shipwrecked all the time and it sucks. It hurts so badly that we lose ourselves in it, allowing the broken pieces of our endeavors to shape our mindset without fighting it.

Other times we get stuck and exhausted from setting the same goals over and over again without ever accomplishing any.

And very often, we give up, too tired and unmotivated to move on.

Whether you wish to admit it or not, it is easy to settle for your:

— Fears.
— Doubts.
— Excuses.
— What If's.
— Naysaying.
— Limiting Beliefs.

Yet, these feelings won’t propel you any closer to achieving your creative goals. Rather, it deters you from it, halting your progress.

Now, you’ve got a choice. To sit and settle for your limiting beliefs or to get up and get intentional about your goals and progress.

Don’t Become Intentional Because I Say You Should.

Become intentional because:

— You’ve got plans slapped on your wall and unchecked boxes on your list.

— You’ve set goals for yourself but always find excuses not to pursue them.

— You have great ideas to share with the world but feel overwhelmed to even try.

— You’ve been planning to write for ages but always find yourself unmotivated.

You Need An Anchor. An Accountability Partner.

Sometimes, getting up and getting back out there isn’t easy. It could take as little as a pat on the back or as deep as a hard shove to help you get moving.

Accountability partnerships offer you both.

Imagine, you have someone willing to:

— Walk with you daily, motivating and inspiring you to write.

— Help you break down your overwhelming thoughts and pursue your goals one step at a time.

— Provide accountability check-in and productivity audits for your set goals.

— Become your biggest motivator and creative partner, providing real-time support for your art.

— Go through the cursives of achieving your writing goals with you.

Will you use this anchor to lift yourself off the ground and get moving or stay down and settle?

Final Thought —

You’re not alone in your struggles.

However depressing, deflating, defeating, and demotivating your present struggles are, it doesn’t signify the end of your journey.

Or make you unworthy to keep swinging for the fences.

You can grow through your struggles with an accountability partner who is present, in tune with your struggles, and ready to work with you.

— Work With Me as Your Accountability Partner

— Schedule A Creative Session with Me



Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers

Juggling a 9-5 & Writing -> Helping busy writers use systems to achieve life-work-creative balance & write consistently. Free guide: