Life is unfair. You can cry about it, or…

Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2023

Do you think life is unfair? Yes, it is. Particularly when you consider the unequal distribution of resources. You can’t do anything about it.

Yes, I know that everyone in this world doesn’t have the same amount of resources, but don’t you ever think that you have less and regret about it.

Have you ever heard of Michael Jordan? J.K. Rowling? Mike Tyson? They also lacked resources, even then they are one of the greatest in their fields.

But did you ever think there may have been people who had so much more potential than those you know names of, but you have never heard of them just because they didn’t have enough resources to succeed and get recognition. To counter this, you might say that those who want to do something always pave their way to the top of the world, but as I said earlier, life is unfair.

Just think for once, there will be so many people who have a lot more potential than you but will never get recognition just because they lack resources, and there will also be people who despite having less resources than you will succeed and get recognition.

So never ever cry because you have less resources, because there is always someone who have lesser.

I am not saying that you will succeed for sure. Maybe you are the one who is held back just due to the lack of resources, but should it stop you from taking actions? Hell NO!

So rather than dwelling on what you lack, focus on what you can do with what you have.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Every success story starts with someone who took initiative, made the most of their circumstances, and achieved greatness. Remember, having fewer resources doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference.

Also, since you are on Medium reading my article, I would like to assume you at least have a mobile phone and an internet connection, and that alone makes you ahead of 38% of world’s population in terms of resources. What else do you need to start?

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That’s all I have to say for now. Thank you for reading till the end.



Thought Thinkers

I write about a variety of topics. I like to study human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. So mostly I write articles around these topics.