Shameless Confession Of A Mum

What parents won’t tell you…

Veronica Llorca-Smith
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2022


Mum and son with painted faces
Photo Credit: Ketan Rajput — Unsplash (with ALT text)

Setting the scene

I graduated into the mum role almost 6 years ago; I did a fantastic job at it apparently and one year later, I was promoted. I am now a proud mum of 2 lovely girls and my title of CEM (Chief Executive Mum) is displayed in my LinkedIn profile (let’s connect!).

Every parent can tell you about the wonders of parenting while showing you a dozen unsolicited pictures of a baby that looks just like a baby, how it’s the gift of life, the best thing that ever happened, and la la la.

I agree with all of that and wouldn’t change it for the world but, there is a side of being a parent, particularly a mum not many people talk about.

So here is my open confession about what parenting is also about…

My open guilt-free manifest

  1. I blackmail my kids: I often use the iPad, jelly snakes, or whatever item is currency in the little people’s world. It’s super random too, like who gets to hold the umbrella or open the door first. Anything with bartering power will do it.

It’s an entry-level blackmailing scheme and goes something like: “If you don’t do xyz, you won’t get xyz”.

