Why Don’t I Draft Every Idea That Comes to My Mind?

My daily struggles as a writer

Priyanka Priyadarshini
Thought Thinkers


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Are you a new writer? Do you face the same problem as I do?

I’m juggling with 1000 topics every day and not having just one topic good enough to write an article about.

Why is this happening to me?

I researched a lot on this topic and how I can overcome it.

The best practice would be to write it down somewhere. That’s what I found.

Where is the problem then??

Following are my major problems with why my ideas are born and die in my mind itself:

  • I am too lazy to write it down or may too confident thinking I’ll not forget it.
  • I read some articles on that topic. Now, I start thinking — Oh! this has already been written about, and I drop the idea of writing about it.
  • I’m too busy when an article idea comes to mind and by the time I get free, it’s gone. 😓

On this topic I also wrote an interesting article that you can read below:



Priyanka Priyadarshini
Thought Thinkers

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