Why It Is Necessary To Take Care Of Oneself

Thousands of years ago, we taught each other that we should be humble and selfless

Thought Thinkers


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

We tend to be very afraid to be kind to ourselves, we are afraid to seem selfish, conceited, and seeking self-satisfaction; we belittle our achievements, deprive ourselves of well-deserved rewards and congratulations, and take care of ourselves in a real way.

Studies have shown that people who take time to relax and take care of themselves suffer from fewer diseases, both in the short and long term; this translates into fewer colds, reduced risk of diabetes, and heart disease, and increased tolerance to allergens. there are many important reasons why you should take care of yourself. Here are some of them:

Stress increases the likelihood of death

Neanderthals were surrounded by various kinds of dangers that should be watched out for; other humans, predators, and even the environment contained deadly dangers; as a result, humans evolved with two integrated systems to help cope with stress, namely the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The parasympathetic system takes over when we are at rest, triggering feelings of hunger and relaxation, while the sympathetic nervous system…

